Friday, June 29, 2012

suning appliance to stand out from the many companies

129836407566406250_213Suning appliance was rated 2011 top 50 best performance in China In Chinese and foreign-funded enterprises entering the long indented coastlines, fire and positional warfare competition for now, which are laudable? Authoritative answers are given the global financial media entrepreneur. On June 6, organised by the global entrepreneurs, "2011-2012 Chinese best performance company" award presentation ceremony was held in Beijing, 50 elite Chinese and foreign enterprises in the industry toSelected list of the best. As the domestic leader in the retail industry, suning appliance to stand out from the many companies, selected for the 2011 "best performers" top 50, and topped the "best return on assets" and "best profit growth" list of two, third prize, the seventh of the ranked list, respectively. For nearly two years, China's market from foreign markets remains highGrowth, many Chinese and foreign enterprises to expand in the Chinese market has a wheel. In addition to operating performance, a predictive power, innovation, profitability and brand image, five indicators for the selection criteria of social responsibility "2011-2012 Chinese best performance company" more fully reflects the best 50 companies in the Chinese market. At the same time, Chinese household electrical appliance zeroSales industry entered a period of rapid transformation in the last two years, State subsidy policy, consumer electronics industry inventory pressures increase, high speed growth, accelerate the development of new environmental requirements, such as e-commerce channels retail enterprises must rely on external growth to rely on their own ability to enhance growth, to achieve more long-term sustainable development. Core competence of suning appliances in sales growth,Prospective development of fertility, leading the industry's outstanding performance was rated best 2011. As the domestic retail sector leader suning, China Retail top for three consecutive years for the first time. Suning appliance 2011 annual report shows the operating income of 93.889 billion yuan|diablo 3 power leveling, representing a growth of 24.35%, operating profit 6.444 billion yuan, compared with the previous year18.63%, capital gains rate is as high as 23.7%, the real data show the suning 2011 good behavior, for which also topped the "best return on assets" list and "best profit growth" list has the best note. Suning equally impressive in a series of major measures for 2011. Industry transformation, SUNYDeepening market changes, entity, e-commerce stores, Tesco deals three business modules "virtual and interactive" business model is the active practice of retail innovation and development under the new situation. Facing the future, clearly put forward the "suning intelligence service of science and technology" new decade of development, seeking to build a world-class enterprise, forward-looking development strategy and continue to develop innovation ability of the outside worldThe optimism of the future is clear. Suning will also rely on the future Internet, Internet technology, accelerate the pace of transformation of science and technology, in-depth analysis of consumer shopping behavior, improve the whole category of construction supply chain systems, intelligent and efficient logistics and distribution network and service network and retail building wisdom, significantly improve the consumer shopping convenience and comfort, leading Chinese commercial zeroInnovation and development of sales. In addition, adhering to the "service to really sincere Sun" concept and actively fulfill our corporate social responsibility practices, suning established industry leader in brand image. Suning appliance brand currently worth up to 72.816 billion yuan, rank of China's retail industry. At the same time, SUNY participation in social welfare reports from time to time, newspapers, only 2011 SUNYPublic input that is more than $ 60 million new threat definitions. As Zhang Jindong, Chairman of suning says, "one more expansion, refinement, technology and more socially responsible globalization and suning, is bound to society, industry, investors, consumers and employees to create greater value. ��

International gold prices Thursday closed down 2.8% Troy ounce $ NetEase finance

129836519571562500_223 <a href="">read more</a>International gold prices Thursday closed down 2.8% Troy ounce $ NetEase finance, June 8-August delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange gold futures closed down 2.8% on Thursday, closed at $ 1588 per Troy ounce.

private placements and other financing costs are down. From the perspective of industry news

129836519547500000_176Central banks cut interest rates three trade trading opportunities, including infrastructure investment highlights Editor's Note: yesterday, the people's Bank of China decided, beginning on June 8, 2012 cut RMB benchmark deposit and lending rates of financial institutions. Benchmark one-year deposit rate financial institutions 0.25%, benchmark one-year lending rate 0.25%; other grade benchmark deposit and lending interest rates and housing Provident Fund deposit and lending interest rates adjusted accordingly. MinAnalysis believed cutting interest rates to benefit real estate, brokerage and infrastructure industries boost significantly. Good rate cut brings to the real estate industry is beyond doubt diablo iii power leveling, and for the securities industry will further widen the investment channels, reduce the opportunity cost of funds into the stock market. In addition, interest rate cuts mean more ample liquidity, capital construction industry will also benefit. Infrastructure investments show the charm of yesterday, with the Shanghai compositeFell to 0.71%, where Shen Wan in the level of construction and building materials sector price-0.61%. According to the Center for studies of the security journal and flush IFIND statistics show that since since the May index the cumulative price-4.31%, the price of building materials during plate-0.75%. Last night, the Central Bank released is the rate cut news,Investors are concerned that once again no doubt infrastructure development of industry, the industry believes, interest rate cuts mean more ample liquidity, infrastructure, machinery sector will also benefit, short-term concern China railway construction, tunnel, Tower Group, a unit of shares. At the same time, recent, positive policy on infrastructure investments issued one after another. It is learnt that recently, development and Reform Commission, project approval speedInfrastructure investments were particularly concerned about. China Merchants securities, infrastructure investment is expected to offer enhanced. Is a central leader in the inspection of local speech shown on economic fears downward pressure increases, relevant departments of the Central Government began to conduct research; the second is the pace of relevant departments of the central authorities to speed up project approval; third, local governments began to speed up the construction of key projects in mind. DongxingSecurities, investment in infrastructure in the Nick of time. Main reason is, first of all, 2012 railway planned capital investment $ 406 billion, but mostly under construction project. Projected 2012 507.5 billion yuan railway investment in fixed assets investment, investment of 586.3 billion yuan compared to last year has continued to decline, investment growth rate rose slightly from last year-30.1%-12%.Second, the 2012 road investments are mostly projects, taking into account the higher investment in the Western region since 2010, future, sustainable growth is limited. Road invest 1.5 trillion market is expected in 2012, 1.3 trillion, slightly increased compared with last year, per cent growth rate rose slightly to 10% from 9.8% in last year or so. Third, the policy dividend release, water ringInvestment growth. IV, combined with infrastructure investment structures, infrastructure investment for the whole year are expected to reach 7.89 trillion, up growth by 2011, increased sharply to 2.8% of. Investment strategy, orient securities considered, changhai shares, Wei XING, show a strong stock, opening of new material, new material, na chuan shares, Green Dragon pipe industry focus.Real estate stocks ushered in significant Bank of good 3-year first cut RMB benchmark deposit and lending rates of financial institutions, also in 2010 and 2011, the first time two years after 5 consecutive interest-interest rate cuts. Analysts pointed out that the rate cuts for the property market is "good", real estate is a capital-intensive industry, cut equal to the overall reduction of financing costs. In addition, cut direct shadowTo reduce loan costs, further stimulating the market requirements for the moment, development credit is still tight, but cut to create a low interest financing environment, trust, private placements and other financing costs are down. From the perspective of industry news, according to the Shanghai soufun statistics, first 5 months of the year, sold for a total of 29 business in Shanghai, is 8.512 billion yuan turnover, over the same period last year to reduce76.49%, 30% per cent of total turnover last year, shrinking trend is clearly. Not only Shanghai, Shanghai Research Institute of e-House real estate according to statistics report released on June 5, 10, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other city May land rent revenue of 13.1 billion yuan this year, monthly April per cent, down 50% last year, hitting a nearly 3Year month low. In addition to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and also including Tianjin, Dalian, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Nanchang. Reports of e-House, land revenue in December 2010 in 10 major cities after it reaches the highest value in the recent 5 years, began to enter the wave downward path to continuous per cent negative growth May have up to 9 months of the year. According to statistics, in January-May, 10Urban land rent income to $ 92.2 billion in 2011, representing fell 58% in 2010, representing fell 67%. From yesterday's market performance, according to the security journal and flush IFIND statistical display of data, the real estate sector as a whole rose yesterday 0.4%, Hualian holdings, Hong Kong shares holding, Shahe, electronic city, Shanghai and China fortunateFu, shares rose more than 3%. CIC securities believes that cutting interest rates to benefit real estate, in addition to Housing Department will first encourage the purchase of owner-occupied housing as the housing policy for the next stage fine-tuning (down, interest rates, taxes and fees) core, more or less depending on the economic situation. Strong bullish on real estate investment opportunities, held firm for the year is the best policy. Recommendations continue to outperformBranches, and you just need to share tips, Poly, South building, universal, Beijing urban construction, value is still seriously underestimate the millions of city, the first to open, WAFA, shimao, light and asset services. More money will flow into the securities industry analysts noted that the RMB interest rate cuts will further widen the investment channels, reducing the opportunity costs of capital market, thus more money will flow toSecurities market, securities industry so good. From the perspective of industry news, 6th, 19 listed brokerages, have major financial information bulletin released May 13, total net profit 1.801 billion yuan, per cent higher than 33.11%. And 9 brokerage earnings per cent higher than, only 4 brokers ' profits fell. Listed in published financial information May couponsIn business, CITIC Securities (parent company) May net profit topped respectively ranked dier��sanwei Hai Tong securities (the parent company) and GF (the parent company). Announcements show, CSI (parent company) May achieve revenues of $ 935 million, net profit of 442 million dollars, rose 16.93%. Haitong securities (parent company) May achieve operating income$ 875 million, and net profit of $ 390 million, per cent higher than 77.27%. GF (parent company) May achieve revenues of $ 864 million, and net profit of 340 million dollars, per cent higher than 55.25%. Published financial information May listed brokerages, securities in the northeast (the parent company) May increase in net profit most, ranking secondAre the country's securities (the parent company) and West Securities (the parent company). Northeast securities (parent company) May achieve operating income $ 80.63 million, $ 14.59 million net profit, per cent higher than 1400%. Country Yuan securities (parent company) May achieve revenues of $ 159 million, and net earnings of $ 74.5 million, per cent higher than 400%. Western securities(Parent company) May achieve operating income of 67.0323 million Yuan, net profits of 15.851 million Yuan, per cent higher than 220%. From yesterday's market performance, according to the security journal and flush IFIND statistical display of data, the real estate sector as a whole rose yesterday 0.11%, Sea Northeast securities, haitong securities, CITIC Securities, securities and guangfaSecurities, Hong Yuan securities, securities and securities of the Yangtze River in the West and other stocks gainers yesterday. Oriental securities believed that from the perspective of innovation, recommendations focus on innovation advantage or has the potential to CITIC Securities and securities; from the perspective of traditional business flexibility, Northeast founder securities and securities concerned. [Scroll] United States April wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected(06-08) [Scroll] regulator: with a number of countries than the new regulatory capital standards are not high in China (06-08) [scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user exposes the tray does not disinfect (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-0821:27) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-0821:10) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-0821:05) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter (0.1%20:54) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08)[Scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redeem (06-082) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [Scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-089:52) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08)[Scroll] Shares of major tournaments feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first year record (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] expertsAnalysis of the price reduction was too small (06-08) [scroll] oil prices second cut boot floor people could enjoy the benefits (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) steam diesel per litre respectively,Reduced $ 0.39 and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | TopicsCounties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance in the banking insuranceBusiness not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distributions[Financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

Ashley young racial attacks in the past 11 years old have been peers 10 England games

129838042595312500_166Ashley young 11 tragic racial attack Henderson in three lions being shelled Yeah sporting June 10 report: racial discrimination has become a large tumor in world football. England-haired Ashley-Yang of this European Cup was the victim. Manchester United winger said he encountered as early as age 11 years age of racial attacks. Sun: Ashley young racial attacks in the past 11 years old have been peers 10 England games,Ashley-young enter the 6 ball, Hiller was optimistic about the Manchester United winger at this European Cup color. Talent unlimited Ashley young today, after a lot of frustration. He gave a few days ago of childhood memories, says he is 11 years old have been subjected to racial discrimination in their peers, "I am 11 years old that year, once played a game on Sunday, I was a player who just like me race attackHammer. "" Such a small age race attacks are frustrating, people of any age should not have racial attack, such things happen to young people is worse. I don't have any response at that time, I continued in the competition and break into two balls. Now, this kind of thing should not happen in the football world, I hope that UEFA will ban racial discrimination. "Euro 2012Qualifier England team with the Bulgaria game, Ashley young, Ashley-Ashley Cole and Theo Walcott have subjected Bulgaria fan racial attacks. Afterwards, UEFA's Bulgaria Soccer Federation fined 34,000 pounds in fines. Up to 6 players selected for the European Cup in England at Liverpool list, cause there was no small controversy. Nvwanggongyuanxunyouzhe midfielder, "" bad boy "Barton especially dissatisfaction with Henderson finalists, questioned on his Twitter that "many people say I don't deserve in England, says I'm on, just from the behavior I don't deserve. "" If Henderson was selected, then any are not selected for the England players should be angry. Liverpool had gone through a bad season view my site here, but 6 were selected. Holt, and RichardHereby, and Michael Carrick, Rio Ferdinand, Ottoman, situliqi official site, and other people's lost is a tragedy. ��

identified global excess pattern

129835668771562500_420CITIC building cast: 5,800 position competition for sugar long good start Market review: sugar contract to 5,912 1301 opened today, minimum hit to 5,877, washed up to 5,948, 5,898 eventually closed, up 47 points throughout the day read more, or 0.8%, transaction active, opened all the day after washed jiancang down! Jiancang 49,000 hands throughout the day 1 fundamentals: Deutsche Bank (Deutsche BanK) analysts said over the weekend|diablo 3 power leveling, Brazil Southern producing areas in production will once again disappointing, is expected to yield for 4.7-490 million tons of sugarcane, two thousand eleven-twelveths 493 million tons for the year. The minimum estimates for more bodies, but in line with Brazil analysts estimate of Canaplan. Had just ended, analyst at the Bank of Brazil's research in the South,Concludes that the Government's estimated 509 million tonnes output difficult to achieve. Report: "Judging from the current schedule of press, sugar production was 300.032 billion tons. Brazil sugarcane will decrease for the second year in a row, recorded 11 consecutive years of growth before. And sugarcane production possible in the South to lowest since 2007/08. NowGovernment on the direction of the ethanol industry and policy adjustment of fuel prices is not clear, this ageing or to a large extent limited to sugar cane replanting. "Brazil sugar UNICA4 two thousand twelve-thirteenths press quarter month estimate production after the 5.72%, identified global excess pattern, raw sugar started all the way down. Raw sugar drop led, plummeting domestic costs of imports,Smuggled imports of sugar and sugar a lot of gate, impact of domestic sugar prices. Learned from the Yunnan Provincial Association of sugar, as of May 31, total sugar yield of 2.0136 million tons of sugar industry in Yunnan province, sells sugar 862,000 tons, up and 122,000 tons; the rates of production and sales of 42.81%, down 13.05%; industrial inventory 115.16Million tons, an increase of 374,200 tons. May monthly sales of sugar 181700 tons, up by 75,900 metric tons. Trojan and sell alcohol 80400, rate of production and sales of 72.82%. Actions recommended: increased sugar Merchant Warehouse 110,000 hand fell again yesterday touched 5,800 location, plus significant rebound occurred today, shows how both sides competing forObviously, long successfully keeping 5,800 today, despite the short counteroffensive, but rebound still can continue! Current shorts have been failure, recommends early bargain out rebound may be appropriate to focus on white sugar! Rebound may be concerned about 5,950 position and pressure of 6,000 location!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

integrated satellite navigation�� Media reports

129836519710000000_504Tian dairy competition outstanding new hope "left hand right hand" "Caijing Roundup" 21st century business Herald, Chongqing Tian you milk industry company limited ("Tian dairy"), listing the largest Ridge is the issue of competition. As early as 2011, agricultural investment in Chongqing Tian dairy Holdings shareholders King qianliu stated, Group Vice-President, friends of the dairy industry has gradually eliminated shareholder internal competition, completeListing preparations. Investigations so that dairy day friends two shareholders new hope dairy Holdings Group (referred to as "new hope dairy") Tibetan Ding XING industrial equity limited ("Tibetan Ding XING") view my site here, the ultimate man suspected of actual control generation y employees of new hope group. On December 18 last year, new hope dairy and Tibetan Ting XING Tian stake sign transfer of Dairy AssociationDiscussion on. New hope dairy days dairy 42.22% shares to Ding XING in Tibet. Before the transfer, new friends to hold day of dairy 47.2168% shares, after the transfer, new friends to hold day of dairy shares has been less than 5%, and designed to allow smooth day friends listed. According to the introduction to investment bankers, SFC is now audited to be public companies isIt belongs to the "competition", not only to focus on controlling shareholders, the actual controller, is also concerned about the significant impact on the issuer's main shareholder. Holding 5% of the shareholders are shareholders with significant influence, competition is not listed. New Ding XING business scope in Tibet's second-largest shareholders are agricultural products, construction materials, computer hardware and software sales; finance or information technology consulting services;Industrial investment. And dairy at all. While Ding XING in Tibet also promised "not directly undertaking and the target company (dairy day friends) competing business, compromising the interests of the target company. "It is understood that the sum of equity transfer price of 125.8156 million Yuan. Payment of share transfer payment to staging: within 10 working days from the date of entry into force of this agreement,Transfer of $ 40 million equity transfer payments; transactions completed within 20 working days of the date, transfer of $ 30 million equity transfer payments; transactions completed within 40 days, transfer from restored $ 55.8156 million stock right transfer payments. New hope VI and share historical announcement, prototype for dairy industry stake in Tian TianLimited asset of the October 31, 2001 amounted to $ 180.1126 million, $ 149.1844 million total liabilities and net assets of $ 30.9282 million. New hope for the day assessment benchmarks the basis net assets per share $ 1.757, plus premium of $ 1.12 per share to acquire. Parties after the completion of the acquisition of the original day friendsLimited changed into Chongqing Tian dairy co., Ltd. Reorganization of joint-stock company of dairy industry in Chongqing Tian the new registered capital of 100 million Yuan, the total share capital of 100 million shares, $ 1 per share. 10 years later, friends of the dairy industry's net worth has been nearly $ 700 million, new hope dairy industry transfer of the equity interests of the nearly $ 300 million, did not set any pledge, guarantee orThird party rights, nor the relevant authority to impose sealed up or frozen, restricting the transfer of force measures; and there have not been any act of disposal or to be disposed of. Tibetan Ting Hing launch date is December 14, 2011, is a stake today (December 18) 4 days ago. Address good for 189 jinzhu West Road in Lhasa Pearl room 403, integrated satellite navigation�� Media reports, "Ding XING, Tibet is a small company, rental office than more than 20 square, usually no one Office. Annual $ 20,000 in rent and management fee is a one-time payment. "According to the survey, rental time is December 13, 2012, namely Ding XING was established in Tibet the previous day. Purpose of the officers set up a tripod in Tibet, it should be is toNew hope dairy days dairy stock. Ding XING for corporate-owned enterprises in Tibet, institutional shareholders as the hundred liters of Tibet industrial limited ("hundred liters of Tibet"). In other words, hundred liters of Tibet by the Tibetan Ting, was controlled by new hope dairy days dairy shares. Scope of hundred liters of Tibet is: agricultural products, construction materials, computer hardware and software sales, financeWorks, information technology advisory services, equity investments. Also has nothing to do with dairy Association. According to the survey, hundreds of Tibet up registered capital of $ 10.2 million, received $ 2.04 million, launch date is September 8, 2011, from the company purchase shares only after 3 months. It is learnt that Tibet is two hundred litres of shareholders-natural persons, was holding 98.04% Zhang Juan, respectively, and1.96% stake Wang Taisheng. Mable Zhang after the girl was born in hechuan, Chongqing. Neighbors told the media in his hometown, Mable Zhang at new hope group work. Mable Zhang told reporters refused to disclose their work unit, and why have access to cheaper dairy day friends share, become the second largest shareholder of indirect. On June 7, the media call Tibet Ding XING legal representativeAnd General Manager Zhong Jingqiong, he said, stock transfer, but specific procedures themselves do not know. He also admitted himself in new hope. When deep understanding of equity transfer, is explicitly denied. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (

high price

129823520535468750_34Local Government of "addiction" Some time ago on the project is about $ 30 billion electronic flash chip of Samsung ground inland city of Xian have generated heated discussions. Media and public criticism towards this project, XI ' an, because in order to win the favor of investors, showed great sincerity to projects promoting--including the huge subsidies to the item, "10 10 half-free" income tax concessionsRun, project subsidies, provided free land and buildings, and for the construction of the Expressway Project, subway and other transportation facilities and living facilities. Estimating Xian Xian strongly refuted earlier media pay of at least 200 billion yuan for the Samsung project, side acknowledged the Samsung project does exist, but also a lot of concessions. Why Samsung project, once exposureImmediately drawn vocal opposition? As commentators have pointed out, "If you took 200 billion to create electronic company, even into the climate, investment?" Indeed, the XI gold fishing rod to catch small fish of allegations that put so much financial "seduce" foreign-funded enterprises, what is not cost-effective. But some local governments areIn things like that never bored, GDP and energy consumption values, see beautiful data, create jobs and looking forward to the future of the Government project to Samsung for leading the formation of industrial chain and industrial cluster in better vision, coupled with this item perhaps others such as Xian and Chongqing region can gain the upper hand in the battle. It can be said that although Xian in the project may not beHow much "real money", but these only exist on the number on the paper index "gain" may have had enough. Such a strange phenomenon, so counterintuitive things, why can there even is not uncommon in China? We cannot help but reflect on, China's "disease", and attract foreign investment in "poison", the GDP in "poison", some of ourLocal government contracted GDP "addiction". GDP "crush" GDP run brought the sense of accomplishment that we "crush". Average annual GDP growth rate in China since the reform and opening up in the 10% above, to the year 2008 over $ 30 trillion. 2009 in financial crisis situations is still maintaining a growth rate of 8.7%. 2010End of the year, China's GDP per capita close to $ 4,000. From 1978 to 2000, per capita GDP increased from less than $ 400 to more than 800 dollars, spent more than 20 years of time. 2010 just 10 years have increased to $ 4,000 per person. Such achievements have been the world's attention view my site here, so people really proud�� GDP brought honor to our "addiction". GDP of running all the way, had for our country to win a lot of honours, output the first, more than the combined output of the second, third, fourth, and cement production world, accounting for half of the world production, textile production the world's first, for each of the peoples of the world four pieces of clothing a year; grain output first, coal production, Fertilizer production, first; the world's first consumer, world's first production p, world's first copper consumer, first shipbuilding country in the world, the world's largest furniture exporter, the world's first machine tool market, and so on, are too numerous. 2009 is a new world's largest exporting country, the volume of production and sales of automotive, machine tool in the world of output in the world's first Crown, took on our heads tooWorld's largest hat. GDP wealth that we "crush". Rapid GDP growth not only solved the problem of feeding a billion of mouths of starving and also won an unprecedented wealth for the State: as of the end of 2009 the country's foreign exchange reserves have already $ 2.4 trillion, more than 40 trillion yuan in bank deposits, the 2009 national tax revenues6.31 trillion yuan, the Chinese Government has become the world's Super wealth the Government no doubt; Moreover, huge GDP figure for China on the world stage will gain more opportunities to show his face, and the mirror. The success of the Olympic Games, World Expo held successfully, Summit of all kinds, large and small, is the stage to show in China. GDP was light too quickly, the whole country will focus on theRelating to national honor, related to local finance, key relating to people's livelihood. We are too concerned about GDP, degree of care to a fascination with. But little do they know everything there is, once the degree, good becomes bad, candy becomes "poison". Local governments in the assessment of GDP as hard as the learning of students, will show GDP papers at the end ofFinal exam on the report card. Obviously some places on the GDP "poison" addiction is very deep. Not the GDP, is the achievement of no doubt, National Bureau of statistics is "hurt" a Department, controversial because of problems of statistical data per year. In 2006, the national GDP growth 11.8%, 31 provinces, autonomous regions, 27GDP growth above the national average, only 3 provinces and lower than the average growth rate, there is also a flat to the average growth rate. In 2007, 12.2% in national GDP growth, up to 29 provinces GDP growth above the national growth rate, only one in Heilongjiang province, to 12% level of "insurance excess". And in 2008, began reporting in national GDP growth to 9%, Adjusted to 9.6%. The initial data of the country's 31 provinces no less than the national growth rate. Even later to adjust the comparison is based on the national growth rate of 9.6%, only a slightly lower than the national growth of Sichuan province. The 2009 financial crisis, in the 29 provinces and districts throughout the country, apart from Shanxi, GDP growth rates are higher than for the remaining 28 provinces 8%, Were "successfully" complete "eight" missions, growth rates higher than the national average of 26 provinces. Similarly, 2010 only Beijing and Shanghai GDP growth rates below the national average. 2011 national only Beijing, Shanghai, and Zhejiang below the national average. We have surprised this strange phenomenon. Because,Know some local government officials can be promoted to a large extent is to place "GDP" as the key index, which means that local governments pulling "GDP" more and more high, party and Government officials that the higher the level|diablo 3 power leveling, the more capacity, so some local government officials trying to pull the GDP to his future. After one year of work, at all levels upWhen reporting errors properly, but for performance reasons, this error is often the up. So global GDP growth has such a strange phenomenon is not surprising. Year after year, follow the trend of large investments of 21st century belongs to China's century, Spotlight China has attracted the world's attention, when when the Chinese and foreign tourists marvel at the wonders of the great wall, ChinaHas a and a of building miracle: World maximum water project (North), and world most long high-speed project (Beijing Shanghai high-speed rail), and world maximum filled sea made to project (Shanghai p Hong Kong Metro), and world maximum wind power base (Jiuquan wind power base), and world first large Sham Shui Po Hong Kong (Shang marine mountain Sham Shui Po Hong Kong), and world maximum shipbuilding base (Changxing Island shipbuilding base), andHighest across miles of frozen soil in the world's longest railway (Qinghai-Tibet Railway), the world's largest single building (Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal T3), the world's first magnetic levitation (Shanghai magnetic levitation railway). Summary of construction since the founding of project, billions of more large scale projects as much as 19, billions of up to 66 above, total investment $ 6.3 trillion, and the averageInvested close to the scale of billions. We could not help but sigh after 30 years of economic development, China's wealth might indeed alarming. The large investment in China is not uncommon, mostly belonging to the national policy orientation, mainly to meet the infrastructure requirements. But local Governments follow the trend of investment is a speechless, Xian Government for Samsung investment programmeIs an obvious example, but by no means the case. Looking back in history, we can see that almost every year there are local follow the trend of large investment, even have the headaches of the State Council. 2003 local government building a large number of iron and steel projects, national daliangangtie boom, steel investment growth almost doubled. Year investment contribution to national GDP growth reached the highest level 63.7%. 172.6% iron and steel projects around the 2004 investment growth, cement industry construction project plans a total investment of $ 78.6 billion, an increase of 133%; under construction there are 3.1 million tons of electrolytic aluminum industry. When the State Council comprehensive halt to over-investment in steel, aluminum and cement projects. Statistics show that two months before the 2004 year, Central project investment12.1% investment growth, while local investment growth was as high as 64.9%, an increase of 24.7% per cent. 2006 National increase in copper export tax to curb excessive investment boom in copper industry all over the country. After several years of excessive investment in industries such as steel, cement, textiles the serious excess capacity, make money and cause great waste of energy. Add macroRegulatory policy there is a "delay", investment overheating issue failed to inhibit in a timely manner. Facing China's economy was "unstable, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable". 2007 year set the outbreak of real estate investment boom, the Government's perspective was sold to craze, 2007 the property market hot, all developers, emotional excitement, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Changsha, "Wang"The figure frequently flashes, high price, high price, maximum area of sth All words stimulate the eardrum. But accompanied by raising interest rates after the Central Bank has 6 times the benchmark one-year lending rate had risen earlier than 135 basis points, that phenomenon had eased. 2009 local government began to excessive investment in wind power project, wind power generation capacity of 13.7 GW�� Compared to 2008, this number grew in the year 113%. By the end of 2009, China except Taiwan area in new wind power machine 10,129, 13.8032 million kW of installed capacity, has exceeded the United States ranks first in the world. State Department repeated concerns in the construction of the wind power industry emerge, even in August 2009Worries left, the wind power industry is the State Council Executive meeting "naming". However, this trend has been continuing, China wind power 2010 new 378 starts construction of major projects, projects with a total investment of up to nearly $ 300 billion. Until the National Energy Board announced that in the near future, the provinces must be strictly approved wind project, idle for more than 20% of wind power, not to build new wind powerConstruction project. At the same time, all localities should speed up the approval of clean wind power project, after September 1, 2011 approved wind project to stop the implementation of the programme. In October 2010, the Ministry outlining Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Wuxi 5 cities to carry out pilot demonstration of innovative development of cloud computing services. Subsequently, the country enters "cloud" era, BeijingXiangyun, Shanghai called clouds, enormous legendary fish, which could change into a ROC in Shenzhen, Chongqing is called cloud, supermarket in Hangzhou, Ningbo called Nebula, called Kumodani in Wuxi, Suzhou called clouds, called cloud flying in Harbin, called huiyun science and Huizhou, Qinhuangdao Valley. Investment and planning around cloud computing land area also seems to not end up competing in the rising. In January 2011, the Office of Hebei province and IBM, ritzy technologiesCompany jointly announced, in Langfang, Hebei province "ritzy international information port" of building Asia's largest Cloud Computing Center, covers an area of 1.34 million square meters, total investment of up to $ 9.8 billion. In April, two rivers in Chongqing area to be built, "China's largest cloud computing experimental zone" liangjiang international Cloud Computing Center, with a total investment of 40 billion yuan. Only after more than 10 days, the "largest" is to be built by localAnother project of overtaking, jiangjin district planning area of 15 square kilometers of cloud computing industry base, total investments of $ 50 billion. Huangpu district, Shanghai International Cloud Computing Center total area of 4.07 million square meters, total investment of 80 billion yuan, the construction plan for a period of 5 years, ultimately, size qianyiji. The "Yuejin" also began in the smaller cities to play, Zhuozhou, Hebei, RiverSouth of Luoyang announced to invest $ 5 billion to establish the cloud base, Changji, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia Erdos are also join the ranks construction of cloud computing. Public information displays, has 31 cities under construction or being planned cloud computing centers, area to investments and have become unable to statistical figures. Experts said the 80% cloud computing scenario above is not realThe cloud, but it seems that what is not important, the key is to be built. Brought GDP causes a cloud computing Center is very attractive. National real estate under the strict control of the situation, cloud computing seems to be pulling the GDP of some local governments "resort", regardless of whether the market demand, enclosure first, then build a House, and then buy a bunch of networks, storage, servers, and moreEquipment in Sth Can be said that some local governments operate cloud computing base practices are very skilled, because, in their view, it is not a high-tech projects, is essentially a commercial real estate projects, and the project does not require measurement of input-output.