Monday, December 28, 2009

the line ends cannot be more than

1945-48 was studying in Fushun, weekends and holidays to live in his father set up in aion power leveling Huizhou Road branches and 11 years old to win the city's Checkers Open, Kite Shoppes at seven in mind the boss Ago Ran Zhu, Gay Kite is my fall by the wayside. This aging allusion, I Yangchuan feelings than to today's online customers a little thicker bar. "Guangzhou Xiao set empty city “By readers (curse of them were also welcomed into the ranks I count, because they cannot read), in addition come up with Huge Kong Ming measure, mainly to write changes. Thanks to Suzy as a teacher, did not intend to do before beginning to write to write, but "when the line was the line ends cannot be more than ", and turn the prior does not know will go to where the reader no reason being I put roller coaster. Originally only a few do say that the subject matter, I transferred out of 1200 words! Wrote two-thirds of that to do, words not enough, suddenly thought of a high Liaoyang brave thought, so think of is unique to China, "empty villages of dollars," save me save!

Go Si Italian title, this article is to open about a friend in Guangzhou Yao Gen jokes, of which "cleverly set up a" word is to temperament needs, use Cheek sound, but also twenty-five have the "Three Kingdoms" flavor. Seeking a solution to the many difficulties arrayed before him, the Emperor summons forth the Grand Theogonist of the Cult of world of warcraft power leveling, the Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic, and the Grand Master of the Reiksguard. Together with these advisors, Karl Franz devises the Order of the Griffon, a military force made up of highly skilled soldiers, Wizards and devotees of Sigmar's cult who will be charged with facing the gravest threats from within and without. Said a recent report that last year, Guangzhou's per capita income is the highest in the country, more than ten thousand dollars, to that I started. It is Price adjustment, the theory of real income, Guangzhou and the U.S. How does this compare? Pick up the pen, in the clothing, food, shelter, these four aspects of the price level of roughly two to count, followed by the estimated Guangzhou clothing, food, shelter, probably the proportion of ten thousand dollars in Guangzhou calculate consumption is equal to the United States about how many. "Clothing" includes all the daily necessities; "food" consider both sides of market prices and restaurant charges; "housing" count the United States and Guangzhou city property prices compared to the feet price calculation; "OK" is to measure both the prices, petrol prices, insurance, repairs, public transport and so on. Contrast with some friends about the whole calculation for two hours, of course inaccurate, but it should not be too far off the mark bar. Calculated result is to spend ten thousand dollars in Guangzhou consumption in the United States spend approximately equal to 25000. U.S. per capita income of about 35000 (with a few different numbers, the U.S. Commerce Department announces five years is 34586). This calculation, Guangzhou, real per capita income reaches U.S. Lichen more. It is a difference so small? Not credible.

It has finally exposed the runescape power leveling. It is Original Guangzhou three demographic. One is the household registration population; there are accounts, about 7.3 million. The second is the resident population, a five-year statistics, operator of more than half a year in Guangzhou, about more than 9.9 million. The third is the actual population, including the more than 3 million floating population, about 13 million.

The Relative News: