Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Soft township

Can be said that the Chinese have been in this tepid, hierarchical "soft township" Great feel asleep! Chinese people have been accused of the most ugly is China's "Wolli Dou" and "unity." In the final analysis, these two words is a synonym. "Wolli Dou" is the Chinese people's fault? In the "one man, the world" of authoritarian rule under the Chinese do not "Woo Li duo" can do to succeed? It should be said, "Woo lid Dou" is the Chinese people under the rule of feudal autocracy in the long run, forming a kind of self-preservation runescape power leveling. It is in the authoritarian system, you only "cronyism", "and partisan," to help discredit the collapse of another to get "the door of the school" room for growth.

Otherwise, you not only failed almost deprived of accommodation can also be another step on the foot of eternity cannot stand up! In this context, the ordinary Chinese people do dare to unite? China's emperors have always thought that "anti-people's aion power leveling, rather in the anti-Chuan", when the Zhou dynasty, do not let strangers accosted. Over time, the Chinese people to meet even say hello, but also afraid of troublemakers, but also unity and do? The so-called unity of the white society less and less popular, you can only two rivers and lakes gangs, bandits and other underworld to find the nest."Woo Lido" Why to be popular? Because it is single-handedly created the Emperor, and it is the most like to see. You "Wolli Dou," it this way, also forget that there is no power and the emperor Doo! "WO Lido" development that has become unwieldy, a threat to the interests of the emperor, the emperor could be the winning side, "to punish the Aboriginal" or even "punish the ten tribes." "Wolli Dou" is the inevitable result of authoritarian regime, the largest beneficiary of only one person, and this is the emperor. Forget this background, the jump to say that the Chinese were ugly, like that poor-quality milk powder is a fake, but said the milk powder manufacturers the good guys! Cart before the horse.

Of course, the above said, just "Woo Lido" a kind of manifestations. "Woo Lido" to the people, "friends" have become used to betrayal; "good faith" has become used to "bubble" person; as for the people, their own fortunes at the mercy of "ghosts" on the other that is the only choose! These are by-products, and not worthy of what to say. "Wolli Dou" and another person on behalf of the people are those who think that anti-emperor, but to seek self-interest of the so-called heroes. It is Chinese dynasties of the volunteer army leaders, almost everybody with Hugo someone else's slogan, to achieve personal "San nominal six homes, 72 Princess," his dream. It is precisely these people, leading to large numbers of people many times in Chinese history the downsizing of the Chinese nation several times to make sperm flow! It is Mongols and Machos, so the two take advantage of virtual Central aoc power leveling. Ruin the Damming Jiang sham is Li Lichen; ruin the Qing Shang, is Hong! Two individuals, not a good dry food! It is the rest of the Chinese people what the ugly? Chinese people like to double face, do not speak the truth? Oh, in a dictatorial system, dare to tell the truth? King likes to hear good things, the officials also had to "complete sham", "glossy." Accidentally spoke the truth, "offend Longman" who was being killed or exiled by! Chinese people speak a loud voice? Chinese people do not speak loud voice work? Speaking voice small, will not Yao we he lie people do not officials, there is less in the future!

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