Wednesday, February 29, 2012

rift platinum 3-1 win over rank second - OLB

129732242199533750_48SINA sports news Beijing time on February 7, 2011-2012 national women's volleyball League matches of the season the first round compete all over. In the top eight qualifying constant gains in 3-1 win over Beijing, Guangdong in 12 consecutive victories ranked, away game of the defending champions of Tianjin 3-2 victory arch-Jiangsu hard to win three consecutive victories, Army Day 3-1 force captured Liaoning harvest twoConsecutive victories came in third, Zhejiang, Shanghai to a 3-1 rank second. Evergrande volleyball in Guangdong Beijing women's volleyball team wins top 3-1 constant-round opponent of Guangdong is putting Cai Bin Beijing women's volleyball team. Both sides engaged in fierce fighting in four games online more than a raise after constant defeat with utmost effort to 3-1 opponents gains of 12 consecutive victories to continue to lead the way, four-game, 25-17,And 25-15. This service and constant support of sikewolongsika only 28 points, main kesitagelande and Zhou Yuan harvesting with 18 points and 12 points, respectively.����Main Annabelle Lau gains 25 points of the Beijing team, Qiao Ting and the spring buds won with 11 points and 10 points, respectively, Mr Shipman (micro-blogging) recorded only 7 minutes. Evergrande this service first to debut is the main star of the GrandAnd the Zhou Yuan, middle hitter Yin Meng (microblogging), Thoma (microblogging), support sikewolongsika, Zhao Yun and the second free man Wai ying.����Beijing teams from major Zhang Ge (microblogging), Annabelle Lau, middle hitter Mr Shipman, and Qiao Ting, support spring buds, second by Han Xu (micro-blogging) and Liu Ya free people hold hands [sleeves] fight. After game 2 of the first Council, Mr Nigel Shipman, ACE and sikewolongsika spike has appearedErrors and were stopped in Beijing who had three minutes to 5-2 out, after a brief stalemate rapturous attack hits to help Beijing 8-4 technology for the first time, pausing to stay ahead. Pause Qiao Ting Yin Meng died after quick scores started to Beijing 9-4, evergrande relies on sikewolongsika's breakthrough and the spring buds spike of errors to score gap narrowed to 7-9, and blocked branch starCarlos Grande errors a little more of the storm and the Beijing drop points is constant to 11 in a row. Continuous counter hits is then kesitagelande and sikewolongsika help 14-13 hang in fanchao, Annabelle Lau and Mr Shipman spike serve after 14 consecutive errors while hengda technology suspended a second time to 16-14 take precedence. Suspended twice in a post-kesitagelandeSpike succeeded evergrande lead extended to 18-14, relatively constant mistakes in subsequent games in Beijing leading to 22-15, whatever will happen next week at the end of storm and Yin Meng block make contribution allows evergrande to 25-17 easily won in succession. After game 2 of the second Council of spiking errors, Qiao Ting sealed sikewolongsika kesitagelande storm and the spring budsFight back Beijing team and Annabelle Lau who had four points scores started to 6-2. Breakthrough in constant depending on kesitagelande, sikewolongsika, and block only to 5-6 Zhou Yuan behind, team with Annabelle Lau storm in Beijing 8-6 technology for the first time, pausing to take precedence. Pause kesitagelande response after succeeding and Annabelle Lau error constant spiking to 8,Phase constant rely primarily on two foreign aid by attacking the ball, Beijing is through a combination of spring buds and Annabelle Lau hung also with color, two teams of stalemate after 15 ping Liu Xiaoting when storm helped Beijing technology suspended a second time leading 16-15. Annabelle Lau serve after paused, Zhu Qing combo as well as Mr Shipman, Zhang Shuo to counterattack and make contribution made Beijing one after another team even took six minutes to scoreOpen to 22-15, obvious advantages of the Beijing team relies on Annabelle Lau storm to regain a Council 25-19. Third game constant by Thoma partner middle hitter and Ting Wang, Beijing by Zhang Shuo and Annabelle Lau hold hands [sleeves] take the main attack. 4 flat in relying on Annabelle Lau and hang after spiking errors, as well as three times of spring buds back even in the first quarter of sikewolongsika technology, pausing to8-4 advantage. Zhou Yuan to counter after pause hits, and Mr Shipman combo evergrande scores began to 10-4, sikewolongsika and kesitagelande on the attack's strong performance is constant in the second technology extend the moratorium will lead to 16-8. Half a game after constant-there is no opportunity for rival counteroffensive firmly in control of the match, Council, Mr Nigel Shipman, at the end of a service errorSend min and Zhou Yuan ACE allows evergrande to easy win to score 2-1 fanchao 25-15. Start to the game rift plat, Mr Nigel Shipman, four blocks make contribution, sikewolongsika spike errors and Annabelle Lau attack fight back after succeeding helping Beijing to 5-2 advantage, evergrande relies on sikewolongsika's breakthrough at only 5-6 behind, but Qiao Ting drop successfully and sikewolongIscar's mistakes in handling the ball team to Beijing 8-5 leading into the technology for the first time suspended. Thoma fast attack after the pause and serve to help constant Chase to 8 flat, stalemate between the two sides to 10 flat sikewolongsika light after succeeding, and quick attack was stopped twice, Mr Nigel Shipman, evergrande scores began to 13-10, Grande, breakthrough in stalemate phase Tower helped hang suspended in second technologyAt 16-13 advantage. Half board after Beijing will score grip and hold, in the case of 19-22 behind it is Zhou Yuan-dependent service failure, Xue Minghe spring buds back and tapping out after sikewolongsika 23-22 fanchao who had four points to. After the two teams battle to 25 sikewolongsika counterattack of storm and Zhou Yuan only allows evergrande to even get two points 27-25A narrow victory, which 3-1 forces captured Beijing. Jiangsu women's volleyball 2-3 Tianjin women volleyball team as the top two into four hot stuff, strong dialogue and Tianjin, Jiangsu Province is the focus of this round's most closely watched battle. Tianjin after the two teams struggle hard for five more talented team take the opportunity to 3-2 victory arch won three consecutive victories, five game, 25-19, 23-25, and 15-13. This service main Zhai Ting Li of Jiangsu gains 29 points, support Lu Qian (micro-blogging) get 10 points.����Tianjin two main Yin Na (micro-blogging) and Chen Liyi get 21 points and 17 points, respectively. Block for the first start to the game by virtue of Tianjin Wang Ning and two errors of the opponent who had to anticipate and rely on Chen Liyi 4-0 quarter breakAnd Jiang Qianwen blunders in technology for the first time, pausing to leading 8-4. Later Zhang Xiaoting block, the breakthrough rift platinum, Mi Yang Yin Na (Twitter) serve as well as the errors of the opponent to send so that when the team of Tianjin technology suspended a second time to lead expanded to 16-11. Jiangsu 12-17 behind scores close to 15-17, Tianjin, but teams win three points in a row to 20-15 advantage.����Jiangsu after the narrow margin to 19-21 again unable to continue momentum in the counteroffensive, Tianjin run quarter-25-19 to win victory in the first game. Start to the second game Chen Yayun Zhai Ting Li breakthrough service, as well as the opponent's mistake was quickly 6-1 out by Jiangsu, Chen Liyi spike of errors is the leading 8-2 in Jiangsu province to enterTechnology for the first time suspended. Behind 4-10 in Tianjin with Liu Ya (micro-blogging) replaced Chen Liyi to change pace but with little success, continuing their victorious pursuit of the Jiangsu by Chen Yayun, Lu Qian and other human technology suspended a second time, the smashing of the scores began to 16-8. Zhai Ting Lai's strong performance to firmly grasp the initiative in Jiangsu Province, Lu Qian block at the end and serve to improve helpThis team with a 25-13 victory over regain a Council. Third game slightly passive in the first half of Jiangsu technical pause twice to backward and 6-8, respectively. Tianjin with Li Ying (micro-blogging) and Zhang Xiaoting started to fight back once score 19-15, Jiangsu did not relinquish relies on blocking of Wang Wei, Spike and the counterattack dogged Jiang Qianwen scores forcedClose to 20-21, followed in the case of 20-22 backward relies on Jiang Qianwen quick attack, Zhai Ting Lai, spiking, blocking and spiking of Li Ying errors made 24-22 fanchao get judian scored high tide to Tianjin after saving a judian Zhai Ting Lai, attacking the ball scores locked at 25-23, Jiangsu 2-1 fanchao to score. Directorate IV competition Tianjin team mustBack when suspended in two previous technology to larger lead and 8-4, respectively.����Despite the breakthrough in Jiangsu Jiang Qianwen, who will score close to the 17-19, TianJian tenaciously against his rival's shock win the high score Board to 25-21 2. Final contest in Jiangsu province by virtue of attacking and blocking of Zhai Ting Li at 7-3First, TianJian Lu Qian-dependent spiking errors, as well as Chen Liyi's storm, who had five minutes to serve 8-7-leading Exchange sites. Two teams has been stalemate to a 11 Ping Chen Liyi's storm, the blocking and Huo Jing Zhang Xiaoting (Twitter) who had three points to help serve the leading 14-11 in Tianjin get match point, even saved two match point after Chen Liyi's breakthrough in Jiangsu province helped Tianjin 15-13 victory, Which 3-2 capturing Jiangsu. Liaoning women's volleyball 1-3 outstanding negative frimness of storm destruction of Liaoning frimness of defence teams current head home to meet the challenge. Arena combat the Liaoning team to win a case of failing to stand up to your opponent's counteroffensive and even lost three games to 1-3, who four-game, 25-19, and 8-25.This service main linlin fan captures of the bayi, 23 min, Yang �Bjing and Liu Congcong (microblogging) are 19 and 18, respectively.����Liaoning team scored the most goals is harvested 17 min Zhang Xiaochen, chujinling get 11 points, only at the end of the Fourth Council alternate debut Wang yimei (micro-blogging) failed to improve scores. After game 2 of the first Council of Liaoning with chujinling storm and serveScore climax leading into the technology for the first time with 8-3 pause. Bayi relies on Sun Xiaoqing and Yang �Bjing (micro-blogging) after the break to score close to the 9-10 Ding Xia serving round continuous rising of Liaoning province, Zhang Xiaochen block, chujinling fight back as well as your opponent's mistakes made in technology suspended a second time, the Liaoning team to lead expanded to 16-9. Bayi in Yang �BjingServing round small gains but unable to continue to put pressure on opponents, Ye Shuting the errors serve to 25-19 before the next city in Liaoning province. Then two games the team up and down of Liaoning great woes and 25-12 of the absolute superiority defeat bayi 2-1 fanchao even two city to score. Gradually stabilize the pins until the Fourth Council of Liaoning team to start 5-2 Deuce, Army Day to 6 Zhang Xiaochen storm and Lin Fan Linda spiking the ball in after errors in Liaoning with 8-6 leading into the technology for the first time suspended. Even while losing six of the leading 14-11 in Liaoning province were bayi 17-14 fanchao, Liaoning in 17-20 Ding Xia with backward the wheels serve to run five 22-20 is out, but they areFailed to seize the opportunity, after the two teams battle to 23 Army Day with Liu Yanhan and linlin fan's breakthrough victory of 25-23, to a 3-1 in Liaoning. 1-3 Shanghai women's volleyball in Zhejiang women volleyball (micro-blogging) recent performance rebound potential in Zhejiang and Shanghai meeting. Zhejiang team the Lakers are on the ability to grasp the fighters he fades, net of stronger at ShanghaiZhejiang, 3-1 win over rank second, four game, 25-22, and 23-25. The eight qualifying round war of ten victories in a negative constant in Guangdong high top with 29 points, eight wins three Shanghai ranks second with 22 points, won four of seven Army Day of 20 points ranks third blade & soul gold, six to Tianjin, won five of the 16 topIV, Jiangsu five victories and six negative 15 points of provisional fifth with Liaoning and Beijing for three wins and eight to 13 points and 9 points, respectively sixth and seventh, won nine of the two Zhejiang 8 points continue to escape the bottom of embarrassment. Women's volleyball League matches the 16th round of the contest will be held on February 11, when the last League Championship Winners Tianjin and Guangdong evergrande will encounter, Jiangsu and 812 ankylosingImpact, challenges in Liaoning province Shanghai, Zhejiang and Beijing clash. (The Caucasus)