Monday, February 8, 2010

How to judge the degree of liberalization of financial markets

Guru smiling right Brian said: "In your eyes, or the eyes of most people in the world, Southeast Asia a prosperous economy. But in my eyes, Southeast Asian countries, there exists a huge loophole, and this loophole is that the key to us to achieve runescape power leveling. “See Brian is still a puzzled look, he explained patiently guru up on. He said, Southeast Asia, a prosperous economy is good, but the Southeast Asian countries in the economic prosperity in the halo of flashing have been ignored in some very important things, which is Southeast Asia's economic growth is not based on unit of input and output growth, but mainly depends on the foreign investment increased.

I figured that, despite all my blue gear in the long run that little bit of DPS would help out my raid more than me. Also, since I play disc in raids the itemization on the helm was better for him than me, because he can utilize the spirit for crib in aion power leveling. To further help me swallow the loss of such a pretty piece of gear (okay, not really, the popped collars are ridiculous) the mage was very appreciative, which made me feel very warm and fuzzy inside. He even whispered me after an hour of heroics to let me know it was a big upgrade for him. Granted, I didn't ask how much a big upgrade was to him, but I don't think that matters. On this basis, financial deregulation, the same as on the beach from high-rises, their respective currencies exposed without any protection in their quantum actively looking for opportunities for hedge funds and other international hot money in front of these hedge funds are vulnerable to their large-scale organizations the impact of international hot money. Combined with the rapid economic growth in Southeast Asian countries the prevalence of excessive speculation in real estate, overvalued firm size and market demand, an economic crisis, the risk of gradually increased. Goldstein once predicted: In Southeast Asia, other currencies are feeling the brunt of the impact in all directions, it is possible outbreak of financial crisis. Especially the T countries, risk factors, more and more vulnerable to the impact of international idle funds, a financial turmoil. However, Goldstein's prediction did not attract attention to Southeast Asian countries, but objectionable. Southeast Asian countries are intoxicated with his own economic miracle. The name of the central bank to keep raising interest rates way to reduce the inflation rate. However, this approach also provides a lot of speculative opportunities. Even the banking industry itself is also big by M Yuan, R Yuan, Mark and other foreign currencies, foreign currency speculation to join the ranks of speculators. This has resulted in serious consequences is that international banking giant by the short-term external debt as soon as the rapid flow of foreign hot money go, the world's financial markets will lead to a substantial shock is painful. Among them, the problem with T State the most serious. Because T State in Southeast Asia the highest degree of liberalization of financial markets, T national currency pegs M Yuan, capital flows and free. T the country's economic "bubble" maximum, T-country banks will be a large number of foreign inflows to the M Yuan loans moved into real estate, causing serious supply and demand, and balance, leading to a large number of bad banks, bad debts, and a serious deterioration in asset quality. And the T structure of the country borrowers in the banking sector is extremely unreasonable. In T the country's overseas borrowing in the banking sector are 50 percent less than a year short-term borrowings.

Therefore, the ancient Romania that, T national currency, the capital markets of Southeast Asia's weakest link, they have to do large-scale attack on T national currency, you can easily defeat world of warcraft power leveling, then they carry the fall-out rout T national currency, thereby against the entire Southeast Asian capital market. Brian? Diamond listening to ancient Lou analysis, cannot help right guru this bold lovely planning, business plan. It seems the ancient Romania's business intelligence, he more than a high one chip, but on high 3 to raise his two discs, it is unlikely that such a whimsical idea of another watertight.