Thursday, February 4, 2010

The importance of security system

A-State, intruded into the private domain, land owners have the right to open fire to defend their own territory shall be inviolable. The first day, the villa is not unusual to happen. The next day, the villa was all right. Mike is still the same as the previous two days, morning and half past nine car rushed to the house on time delivery of food. But the strange thing is that his car along that cobblestone path to the villa 300 meters to open world of warcraft power leveling, there is not even hear the sound of the villa heard asking. Mike heart to myself, Are these bodyguards are already familiar with his car, so it directly to let him come. But he switched to a think wrong; this professional bodyguard vigilance would not so low, right? Are they afraid of the killer tribe Aaron tower stolen Mike's car and then broke into the house do? 

Meanwhile the DPS can keep going up and push the bar a little higher, making the fights shorter and the clearing of the content for the 20th time more bearable. Now let's go back to my priest though, since I mentioned a conflict. After my navel gazing above you'd think there wouldn't have been a conflict. I would have just passed the helm to my mage buddy and gone on my way. Except as I said, this priest is a new character. She has six, level 200 blue items on and while the upgrade from a 232 helm to a 251 helm isn't that big, I have so much heroic gear on my character that it would have helped get me closer to the gear level the rest of my guild's healers are currently at. So for once, an upgrade going to a healer over a DPS made sense. What would you have done? While that mulls over, let's go ahead and look at the drops in aion power leveling. There must be problems, imagine Mike at the foot throttle open quickly to the villa. Mike discovered that the door villa tummy one person. Jiang Narran turned off came up, he looked over, and it was one of five professional bodyguards. At this point the bodyguards looking gloomy, body cold, have apparently been dead for some time. Mike alarmed, he quickly washed villa cried. To hear Mike's voice, the villa was crashed immediately, and then four bodyguards have washed out. In particular, who had a bodyguard on duty at the control room, but also seems unbelievable. Just a few dozen seconds before the screen in the control room, and their peers still live in villas around the tour, how instant it becomes a body out? They came up a bit see companion's body. As a professional soldier, the time of their deaths have accurate judgment. They will be able to see at a glance, peer dead time should be six hours. It is 9:30 am, that is, their companions in 3:30 or so already died. Then monitor the indoor image on the screen, how can one explain it? Mike, and with them returned to control room, indeed, that the screen above the control room, the deceased is still in the villa surrounded by patrolling it. However, after careful observation you can find, monitor room to play on the screen, but was a repeated video only. The four guards at once, like an enraged lion roar up as bitterly. In their case under the strict surveillance of their security system could easily be moved arms and legs.

And their companions as close as brothers even could somehow be killed. But also the painful is that their peers who have no injuries. They not only do not know what the fellow was killed, and even the companions was killed Donning unclear what tactics. Could it be that their companions are those mysterious "bone means surgery," to kill the do? Could it be that they Webb stringent security measures angered that a mysterious killer Aaron tower tribe, so that their killers will first start with runescape power leveling? At this point Mike has to understand that this is not a four professional bodyguard Aaron tower mysterious killer clan rivals, if they stay longer than a protection for Webb, but will slip to catch their own lives.