Sunday, May 20, 2012

and iPad 2 Diablo 3 power leveling and iPad 2 - GFLE

129809335953492500_873IPad 2 family has recently added a new Member Diablo 3 Gold, codenamed "iPad 2,4". And other members of is, this device pre-iOS5.1, A5 processor using 32 nm process, their life is much improved. Compared to 45 nm process A5, the processor whatAdvantage? Although "iPad2,1" and the 3G version is used in the 45 nm process Apple A5 SoC processor, and iPad 2,4 processor is a 32-nanometer versions. Although there is no difference, but the latter smaller. Die shrink of the unusual, because Apple's newA5 processor Samsung 32-nanometer layer high-k insulation is used on metal gate transistor technology. Intel's 45 nm process in 2007 produced the HK MG transistors, and successfully predicted that other companies in the 32 nm process can achieve. Transistor complex to understand, but the principle is simpleSingle. With a silicon transistor, for example, when it is open, current passed when it is closed, the current shield. Smaller transistors, it is easier to get out. If you close it lets current through it will cause the power wasted. Modern transistor gate dielectric is the thinnest part thickness of only a few atoms. Thinning it can reduce the amount of leakage. Through the use of dielectric constant of higherMaterials, to reduce the amount of leakage as well as reducing accidents from happening. Polycrystalline silicon electrode to metal gate electrode conversion result in higher drive currents. Combination of the two technologies can effectively reduce the power supply unnecessary loss, current transport more efficient, ultimately the chip run more effectively. These technologies are very difficult to conquer. It's hard to see the simple die shrink.Intel process improvements can lead to performance improvement. The Ivy Bridge structure, not only did we see the obvious increase in the number of transistors, and GPU performance is also improved. But 32 of the Apple Nano-A5 processors, we only see the volume of narrow, performance is not promoted, but cost should be reduced. 45-nanometer A5 area of 122 square mm, A5 of the 32 nanometer processors only 69 square nanometers, area full "shrunk" 57%. Apple it has another motive. Whether it is to introduce the new architecture of the processor or the new process technology is cause for concern. If the combination of architecture and new process technologyIt can minimize the risk. Apple decides to use A5 processor Samsung 32 nanometer HK MG process, and apply to part 3-generation Apple TV and iPad 2. Former Apple product volume is relatively small Diablo 3 power leveling, which demand is still very large. Apple shipped "iPad 2,1"32 nanometer processors and inclusion of" iPad 2,4 ". Apple through the production of nano-A5 processor 32 and accumulated experience and technologies, effectively reducing the next generation iPhone the risks of using 32 nanometer SoC processors. This is a very clever strategy. Apple "iPad 24 "get two benefits: first, reduced costs and second, got the Samsung 32 nanometer HK MG transistor technology experience. In the case of other things being equal Rift Platinum, Samsung 32nm HK MG of transistor technology to reduce the amount of leakage current of 10 times, make life better. (Editors: Hao Wang) Others: