Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold but is a target and scale. We've been in education is "treat people with sincerity" - GVK

129773822145781250_171 <a href="">tera gold</a>Being hoodwinked by the workplace rules 1: ideal is important, but more important than the ideal is of interest. In the workplace, most of the people there are ideal, it's an important goal.  But if you really put ideals into reality, they will die miserably. Because the workplace is a place to Exchange interests, the boss you make money, you labor for money. All activities of the FoundationInterests of the Foundation is only valued ideals, and do not understand the importance of interest, this is the reason why most of the people were against.  So, you want to work successfully, you need more than "ideal" which is supposed to know the "interests".  2: is justice, and business, this is the nature of the workplace. Some people heroically on the surface, there is always a point of that party,To do things you never suffer. And the more people take advantage of not actually pays the.  Similarly mixed work, why is so much different from what? Because some people called "hypocrisy".  They are righteous, but is business, see clearly is the nature of the interests in the workplace. We do not advocate hypocrisy tera power leveling, but this does not prevent the presence of hypocrisy.And let us be hypocritical of people killed, rather than let their hypocrisy, at least in an unassailable position.  3: treat people with sincerity, but is a target and scale. We've been in education is "treat people with sincerity", many people will do this as gospel truth, on what occasion. Even the workplace, also very sincere. No doubt, these people end upTouch the folks and even trouble the torso. Fear is the expense of the honest man serving field, if you want to treat people with sincerity, must have their own scale. And sincere to people, should have the purpose of, or the workplace "bad good guy", finally suffer the most tera gold, remains with the worst reputation for you. 12345...8 next Others: