Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling form an effective supervision - NOM

129777332311718750_376Representing, NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members, and even representatives of ordinary party members and the masses will have the opportunity to attend meetings of the County party Committee Standing Committee; major decisions of County party Committee will consult experts and hearing sth  Deqing County of the reforms carried out in the Sun due to the vast number of party members and the masses of great concern and expectations. Direct knowledge of, and participation in Party Affairs, saw the County party Committee, scientific decision according to the law, is the mostBefore the party members and the masses wanted to do but never had the chance to do something.  Deqing County, as the city's Party pilot open and transparent running of power of County party Committee, took the lead in developing the system, so that party members and masses directly supervise the powers of County party Committee were possible. Power open and transparent running of County party Committee, first of all is to be clear, what are the powers of County party Committee? Yiqian, this not only ordinary cadresPeople could not answer, I'm afraid even the County party Committee team members are not completely clear.  Now, people just need to move a finger, open or log on to party party public television video on demand system public Web site, you can browse the specific powers of County party Committee. In order to clarify the powers of County party Committee, deqing County under the Constitution, the Constitution and the relevant central duty of the County party Committee, CountyPower for again does right prospecting territories, and by major matters decision right, and important cadre appointment and removal of right tera gold, and major project arrangements right, and large funds validation right, and party discipline and work supervision right five class power for Combs, setting Qing County 51 items terms and 11 name County member terms, and prepared has County, and County member terms directory and power run flowchart, let power boundary and run process outOut in vain.  Deqing County party Committee Secretary Liang Weidong said the County party Committee Standing Committee after the terms clarified, boundaries more clearly on their powers, power to run more and more specifications, fulfilling terms of more cautious, which has formed a consensus in the Standing Committee in the County. In addition to clarifying the powers, preparation of power flow chart, deqing County also risk investigation powers of County party Committee, preliminary drainage detection76 the Commission risks, the manifestation of these risks is discussed, according to the first grade, second grade, third-grade level of risk for the callout, and control measures are listed, run advance warning of power. For example, the County party Committee in the performance of rural economic development, rural society and the rural policy implemented when significant problems in terms of, is the main decision-making level of the independent Commission against corruption risks, Form: some leading dissections, without consultation and research, one-sided decision, a single decision.  Investigation on the prevention and control measures are carried out, extensively solicit the service object, and the views of the community tera power leveling, invited experts, and strictly democratic collective decision, and to develop a comprehensive monitoring system. In order for the people directly involved in the running powers of County party CommitteeCheng, form an effective supervision, explore on a trial basis in the County of County party Committee Standing Committee attended the trial system, major decision hearing system of County party Committee, "triple a" decision-making system of measures for the implementation of measures. Necessity of provisions on matters of major policy decisions have greater controversy, to the vital interests of citizens, legal persons or other organizations and have a greater impact on public interest, between different interest groups are outConflict of interest involving the hot and difficult problems in the masses set, needs further information, listen to the opinions of the masses matters of major policy decisions until the public hearings. At the same time, the County supervisors will employ 200 open party affairs work, NPC's supervision, administration of inner-party supervision and oversight, judicial oversight, oversight, supervision of the CPPCC knotTogether, forming power open and transparent running of County party Committee and party work Omni-directional monitoring system, build a Sun party, expanding the party's right to information, right to participation, the right to vote, the right to expression, the right to supervision. Deqing County, step by step and accept the supervision powers of County party Committee to the public through popular participation in decision-making of the party members tera gold, and participation in, County party Committee decisions more scientific and democraticTo ensure that County party Committee Standing Committee the power light, transparent and standardized running to promote scientific development and harmonious economic and social development. Xijiang Ribao reporter Liu Xiaohong Stringer Long Xu Others: