Wednesday, April 4, 2012

tera gold they live in an "open society" - SHA

129777222351250000_62Murray Bay in Inverness, Scotland County, two bottlenose dolphins in the evening. Photo: John MacPherson "technology of light" according to foreign media reports the latest scientific research suggests that dolphins seem to have dark side of the heart, they live in an "open society", to establish its authority to extreme means to have sex. Researchers found that the seaOcean mammals with complex social life, their life is a kind of "open society", which occurs regularly with fellow gay or bisexual sex. This is an international team of scientists take 6 years to arrive at the conclusion tera power leveling, they studied Australia 120 Bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay in the West. Study finds male bottlenose dolphins can form alliances to protect theA female bottlenose dolphins in the team to prevent their attacks by other groups. In some cases, male bottlenose dolphin will through forced sexual intercourse with another male companion for that shows authority. Journal articles in Journal of the Royal Society b in the report, scientists to the conclusion: "highly intelligent mammals are living in" open society. "This research studyOne of Professor Richard * Conner said: "male sex life is very intense. When I watch them so complicated sex life, I think they're mentally and physically exhausted. These complex processes likePanel also found that bottlenose dolphins in mating season there will be organized into three different types of teams. First teams are usually in pairs or small groups tera gold, who found fertile females in the mating season the dolphins. The second team is made up of 4-14 male dolphins tera gold, in other groups wanted to steal his team when female dolphins, protected from attack. The third team is responsible forFriendly relations with their groups to other groups of dolphins. (Light network science and technology Liu Wenjing compilation) Others: