Friday, April 6, 2012

tera gold female astronauts widely credited - SUE

129770966852500000_414China has picked two "gods" female participation in space missions later this year. Identity has not been revealed, it is said, that two female astronaut physical condition without flaws, such as teeth white and spotless, no body odor. They belong to the new selection of 7 astronauts in two. But their identities have not been revealed, until June of this year to 8Month sometime, "Shenzhou Nineth" known ahead of the launch of the spacecraft. However, the media interest increased for female astronauts. Them after years of harsh training, and then selected from among 15 candidates. Official media recently reported that the selection of female astronauts would be be fault finding, "and even scarring on the skin, bad breath, tooth decay and cocoon feet can't be. ”Report explains, in space, the smallest flaws can cause big trouble, or even catastrophic events. Harsh conditions may be scarring caused by hemorrhage, airtight compartments will aggravate the body odor. At present there are 15 women and 30 men to prepare astronauts, they also reached the same demanding standards of physical and mental qualities. All Chinese astronauts must have no history, noAllergic reaction. Accepts men and women the same basic training of 45 men and astronauts prepared to accept the same basic training tera power leveling, such as learn more than 50 species, including mathematics, electronic and systems engineering, psychology and English language courses, and tough training. It is said that training 6 days a week, in order to improve endurance and tenacity. Some teachers have in Russia spaceTraining Center trained. Observers said that if China learn from the experience of the Soviet Union tera gold, that's no accident. Nearly 50 years ago, the Soviet Union's first woman astronaut into space. Astronaut Li Qinglong, China publicly before talking about him in Russia of wilderness survival skills training. According to media reports, he was only wearing a thin dress, must stay in lingxia50sheshidu outdoorFor 48 hours, every meal is only a compressed biscuit. Finally tera gold, he reduced weight 2.5 kg. All experienced natural birth is unclear at the moment, women astronauts have to accept a similar harsh training. However, they all lived through the pain of natural childbirth. According to the people's Liberation Army Air Force General Hospital Professor Xu Xianrong introduced, all female space must be married withChildren aged over the age of 25. This is in order to ensure their physical and psychological maturity. Now, almost certainly a female astronaut for the next Shuttle flight. In China, female astronauts widely credited, allegedly has many advantages compared to their male astronauts. The Deputy Editor of the International Journal of space part I introduction, "female astronauts feel more responsive,More granular, language and communication capacity is relatively strong. "They are also better at" interpersonal ", if one day the Chinese astronauts fly to Mars, this is a particularly important quality. Reports that this is because the journey to Mars will be long and boring, astronaut mix helps to eliminate tensions between men and women. Reference for youth (editors: Yin Liang) Others: