Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling such a high-tech enterprise not only promise photoelectric - LYV

129773822129218750_135In 2008, beichuan is destroyed by the 512 earthquake, economic collapse, near the ruins of the city. Four years later, new beichuan in anchang River reborn. , Water plants, schools, hospitals, broadcasting house, and other public facilities and infrastructure for the new county seat to start, completed the new rebuilt and the mass recovery of life "blood transfusion" project. At the same time, 1.2 square kmQibuqu of beichuan in Shandong industry Park has attracted 32 companies, electronics accessories, material, machine-building and sectors such as food and drug processing, 1.954 billion yuan of total investment. "Kitagawa-all enterprises of Shandong industrial park in 2011 and completed and put into use, plans to continue production in 2012-2013 years. Reaches the postpartum, achieve output of 30Billion yuan, tax more than $ 200 million, resolving 8000~10000 jobs. "Beichuan County County Qu Yongan told the China economic and information technology press.����Enterprise reaches the postpartum output, taxes, employment is implemented by industry three times before the beichuan earthquake.����This is a microcosm of beichuan industrial development. Kitagawa to "State counties" and "powerful industrial County" strategy, Persist in innovation-driven, green, low-carbon, high cut, open cooperation in new-type industrialization road, pay attention to a number of major projects, leading enterprises and competitive products, and strive to achieving the County's industrial output value reached $ 10 billion by 2015, three industrial structure adjustment for 13:60:27, build a modern industrial system of regional competitiveness. In 2010, beichuan realPrimary industry added value of $ 605 million, an increase of 5.1%; the secondary industry added value of $ 971 million, an increase of 44.5%; the third industrial added value of $ 768 million, an increase of 14.1%. Only economic development, urban development, which become the consensus of the Government and people of beichuan. "After the earthquake, beichuan is industrial reconstruction of post-disaster reconstructionAn important element.����"Beichuan County investment promotion Bureau Director Zhang Kangqi said. Not after the floor since the 512 earthquake 20 months of first flowering, Kitagawa-Shandong industrial park and 24 companies signed a formal investment contracts. January 15, 2010, the Park held a groundbreaking ceremony in the 10 projects set, beichuan days North optoelectronic materials, Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Connaught photoelectric)Is one of them.����As a representative of first aid enterprises in Shandong province, North photoelectricity General Manager Zhu Yanyan feeling quite a lot. "Our investment in beichuan, can be said to be ', no floor, first bloom ', the company hasn't registered, already in beichuan with the help of the Government, with companies such as Sichuan Changhong, Kyushu, technical exchange and cooperation projects.����"Zhu Yanyan said. At present, the day NorthPhotoelectric established separately from the Sichuan Changhong, Kyushu and the filter for plasma TV LED higher thermal conductivity materials project cooperation.����Days North photoelectricity to new plasma electrons (PDP) filter membrane for mass production of optical functional films such as main business, localization matching filter membrane products for flat panel display unit and other optical functional film products provide research and development, manufacture, Assembly and service. InEconomic development zone, such a high-tech enterprise not only promise photoelectric, Chun wai Hong source electronics, science and technology and other high-tech companies.����CHANGHONG, Kyushu, these businesses are mainly based on the large enterprises supporting the market advantage. Of course, in addition to leading enterprises of traction, beichuan is more attractive policies and perfect geographical location advantages: on the one hand, due to disasterBuilt, and West development, factors has more clear of policy advantage; on the, disaster Hou reconstruction of new Kitagawa distance Chengdu 120 km, distance Mianyang 25 km, is "Seitoku sponge music" with city of regional range, these are is Kitagawa attracted Enterprise settled in of advantage factors, while also benefit Yu Kitagawa on industry development of attention, focusing on investment introduction funded platform of build, for enterprise createdA good investment environment. "As early as October 2008, beichuan co-operation relationship with Shandong province, beichuan-Shandong Industrial Park building, beichuan prototypes of the district which is now. "Zhang Kangqi said, beichuan post-disaster reconstruction of blood transfusions and blood to promote combined efforts to enhance investment, beichuan resource characteristics, according to the adjustment of administrative division, Shandong and Western markets, KitagawaWork focused on processing and manufacturing industries, starting with machinery and electronics supporting industries, followed by food tera gold, medicine industries, as well as cultural products and processing. Before the earthquake, beichuan industrial pattern of bamboo wood, tea, sericulture, animal husbandry, medicinal herbs-led industrial major hydro high energy, mineral building materials, agricultural products processing. Now, with the day North represented by optical high-techTechnology enterprises settled in, Kitagawa has formed a certain scale of economic development zone of strategic industries, beichuan upgrade adds a dynamic of the transformation of the economic structure. Layout of information industry on speeding up the industrial County of beichuan in decided to specific electronic information, new materials for environmental protection, food and drug processing, machine building and cultural tourism product processing industry as KitagawaA stage direction and objectives of industrial development in the future. "Beichuan industrial development in the formulation of planning, Government of Mianyang beichuan will also want to combine local resources and industrial development, development of the information industry, culture, tourism, and other characteristics, high value-added industries, does not want the beichuan high pollution in energy-intensive industries. "CCID consulting Senior Vice President Zhang Tao told reporters.This is "Western Valley" in Mianyang City's "Twelve-Five" has been confirmed in the plan. Electronic information industry ranks first in priority development of Mianyang City, beichuan is located in Mianyang City "cotton North" economic zone, is the Mianyang City "Twelve-Five" key of electronic information industry development area. Not only that, the State is also supporting the development of the information industry, beichuan after the earthquakeDevelopments have given tremendous support.����Earthquake in beichuan brought a devastating blow and it brings new beichuan in other cities have not had the opportunity of development. When other cities for the planning and construction of the triple play when struggling, beichuan with opportunity of construction of the new city and Mianyang City's "bright Kitagawa" project, depending on the network developing trend, high standard, low-cost construction of new beichuanCounty all-optical fiber fusion business network and realization of fiber to the home, all-optical access, at the same time in a single channel voice, video and data services. This makes information construction to achieve a leap-forward development of new beichuan, as the basis for the development of electronic information industry has laid the necessary, beichuan development especially for e-commerce, digital content, and other industries to provide a powerful technology platform. "That is,And compared to some of the upscale community of Beijing, triple play infrastructure construction of beichuan favourably, on a piece of white paint is easier. "Zhang Tao said. Infrastructure construction is complete, but through its dividends in beichuan, is yet to be developed. In the view of Zhang Tao, beichuan triple play is distinctive, "achieving the triple play application, after accounting feesNot particularly expensive, people are able to afford, but eventually is able to develop, dividends depends on subsequent developments. "There is no denying that days North Rainbow source technologies, optoelectronics, Chun wei electronics and other companies settled in beichuan Yves-beichuan-Shandong industrial park, the commodities exchange and beichuan welcomes investment company started operations, enhance the scale and structure of information industry of beichuan andSkill level. Among them, beichuan dimension at the commodities exchange line of daily trading volume of 12 million, about $ 1 billion, through beichuan characteristics of electronic information platform of agricultural productsE-commerce industry and network convergence industry, Internet industry ' for the development focus and breakthrough. Strive to 2015, established the electronics industrial base of Western characteristics.����"Qu Yongan said.����Sleepy feet short, inch has length of logistics, a city it is the same. New beichuan is located in Northwest Sichuan basin, located in the "Seitoku cotton" and "cotton North" economic zone,Kitagawa to participate in "Seitoku cotton" economic and "cotton North" Economic Division of labor and cooperation tera power leveling, actively undertaking "Seitoku cotton" and spurring, have brought opportunities to its integration into the Mianyang City. "As a business, we select the beichuan, not only out of love, is the demand of the development of the enterprise. "Zhu Yanyan told reporters, before deciding to invest in beichuan, they calmlyAnalysis, not simply be full of blood to investment, to take into account the long-term development of the enterprise, investment income, regional needs, and so on. "At that time, we analyzed the company's industry and market conditions, in 2008, the national electronics industry shift to Southwest, represented by Foxconn enterprises selected as a new production base in the West, and the chain of electronic information industry in SichuanTo complete. In this case, we select the Kitagawa.����"But it is also the location of beichuan, makes the development of logistics enterprises a challenge. "Of course there are a few flaws on the details. "Zhu Yanyan admitted that, at present, the logistics are the main problems besetting the enterprise," the logistics required to Mianyang, beichuan to 20 km the longest, almost no large logistics company, Beichuan in Shandong logistics is the logistics costs of more than twice the cost. "Zhu Yanyan told reporters:" the Government is also actively solve logistics problems, beichuan is currently less amount of logistics, logistics companies also have to weigh, not too willing to accept Kitagawa, beichuan enterprises want to develop together, so that the market boom. "On the logistics issue, Zhang Kangqi have differentViews: "logistics cost also depends on the specific conditions, some organizations need to transport raw materials come in from outside, so that logistics costs are high, so enterprise support issues to consider. "According to Zhang Kangqi, at present, Kitagawa has four main logistics company, is larger than Yu of Dongfeng logistics. In addition air transport is more convenient in beichuan from Mianyang nanjiaoAirport Chengdu shuangliu international airport and less than 3 hours by car. "Now, from Chengdu to costs less than other parks from Chengdu to Mianyang beichuan higher costs in the future cotton Deputy of the high speed lines will also be in close to beichuan built, Mianyang, beichuan is closer. "Zhang Tao told reporter, beichuan in the medium and long term development of logistics issues will be improved, it is learned thatMianyang has planned the construction of light rail, if it becomes a reality, beichuan economic development.����Beichuan industrial development plan which is to consider and develop breakthrough.����In addition to logistics, land scarcity of beichuan had lost a lot of valuable items. Zhang Kangqi on this deep experience. In August 2008, Zhang Kangqi on a PPC pipe industry Park,For the administrative region not set down, there is no way to fall, this project eventually settled in Chengdu. "This project with Kitagawa industries is supporting the development of raw materials, projects require more tight, nothing fell to the ground, regret the loss.����"Zhang Kangqi sighed, even the three unfortunate. In addition, the beichuan earthquake economic development mainly relies on the traditional processing of agricultural products and the stone plusWorkers, talent types are single, electronic information industry-related professionals is lacking, in the context of the electronic information industry development from scratch, shortage of human resources issues first flush, and the establishment of an effective mechanism for talent attraction and retention is facing great difficulties and challenges. Even so, Zhang Kangqi beichuan economic development are still full of confidence in the future: "main problems areSpace issues. On one hand, we can make use of the project reverse mechanism tera power leveling, enclave economy, development of tourism and culture as future development focus of beichuan; on the other hand, on the industrial level, increase the output per unit area, from consolidation of resources, increased resource utilization, improve. This is the next thing. "In 2012, beichuan plan output value reached 31.$ 900 million, an increase of 13%; above-scale industrial output value, 2 billion yuan, an increase of 28.7%. Others: