Thursday, March 8, 2012

aion kinah implementation of theft over more than 10 in Xiamen City - UAO

129748736851562500_44His only begotten son, who is a real estate life worry-free food and clothing, was addicted to stealing, eventually itself sent to the French.   On February 17, Fujian Nanjing County prosecutors to theft Shen Xiaohao are prosecuted. Shen Xiaohao from an early age have a quirk, 20 years old, is on someone else's property with a strong possessive, it is this quirk, he repeated to the crime. 2006, Shen Xiaohao repeated theft of his accommodation, captured by the public security organs, for not only 16 years of age but have not been held criminally liable. In 2010, just 18 years of age, he was caught stealing, is sentenced to ten months ' imprisonment by the Court. However, 10 months prison life does not make him repent aion kinah, just a month after her release tor credits, he began to steal again. May 2011,Shen Xiaohao by pry means to smash car Windows, implementation of theft over more than 10 in Xiamen City, the stolen property totaling RMB $ 3,824. In August 2011, Shen Xiaohao Nanjing County to friend more than a play, more than the opportunity to put on the table a 2,900-dollar cash and bank card stolen, and more than 10,000 yuan to take the card. After Shen Xiaohao learned that he escaped by online age of conan gold, selectOptional surrendered. ()