Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling 20 to track purchases and regular gallon - KNU

129756342051250000_87Home News stock market value of funds private equity New York foreign exchange bonds futures futures gold silver trust venture capital financing tax figures for the banking and insurance data market luxury automotive real estate digital reading business school collection non-commercial video interview blog TwitterWikipedia know stocks Forum mobile financial services shares the supermarket software downloading stock/fund investor column microblogging news blog | The daughter made easy | Golden | Thousand Unit reviews | Board assessment | A-sharesSupermarket | Assessment of industry | Company assessment | General overview | Trade finance | Regional studies | thousand units a-shares the supermarket kit > body March 07, 2012 from: author: Guo An comment (0) support (0) against (0) "Developing venture "the following text is in the stock market by the computer fundamentals, financial, technical and marketing facets exclusive information without human intervention after massive operations. On the correctness of information and its consequences, not responsible for information published. ��Information without permission wot power leveling, without any references. Shanghai stock market is currently at 9. 8 class ultra high risk areas. 923 in stock 7 in 6 levels high-Risk areas, 99 only in 7 level is high risk area, 138 only in 8 level very high risk area, 679 only in 9 level super high risk area, 27 only has Middle investment value, 753 only has Middle investment risk, 766 only appeared Middle sold signal, 56 only has better of short speculative growth sexual, 468 only has high of short speculative risk of, 28 only has strong of shortAttack power on, 278 have greater short-term downward pressure, 332 recent trend upward intent, 493-only movement there was a downward trend in recent days, 12 unit only better quality, 888 shares only poor quality wot power leveling, 1 rated noteworthy-star stocks, 703 measure only need to watch out for dangerous stocks, 20 to track purchases and regular gallon, 629Should not buy and gradually sold from stock market value, buying and selling stocks and risk analysis of the changes in the number of the current investment opportunities. Shanghai Stock Exchange market trend will be further down the middle level 1 recently, strong down-selling points. Short-term risks, trend adjusted to the sidelines as well, does not recommend stocks today, recommends that the middle line about 3 percent stake in Shanghai world of tanks power leveling, Jin about hundredths97, as very few individual stock recommendations, special care unit, mainly to jiancang wait-and-see. (Editors: Li Shuo) [Comment] [Copy link] [Bookmark this article] [I ask] [Print] hexun look forward to your comments-contact us-About us-advertising services site State: hexun company approved by the Government securities investment advisory body [ZX0005]. Contained in articles, data is for reference only, please check before use, at your own risk. CopyrightRved copy Copyright reserved (function () {var reg=/\/\d{9}//-station pass the advertisement (_\d)?. (html|html\?\w*)$/; if(reg.test(location.href)){ document.write('