Sunday, March 18, 2012

tera gold there are two core business sectors – real estate and resort industry - VED

129756711728281250_1164Huang nubo still go to Northern Europe. This time, Denmark sent ministerial-level officials, and personally lobbying to China and study on the promises accompany. Denmark trade and investment Minister piya·aoersen (PiaOlsenDyhr) in exclusive on disclosed by this newspaper during a visit in late February said: "I will escort they visited Denmark several representatives of the tourism industry, and talksOf investment projects. "In November last year the purchase of 300 square kilometres of land planning at the last minute by Iceland after the Government refused, northern Denmark, and Finland and Sweden the three investors immediately began to Huang nubo threw an olive branch. Huang nubo has made it clear that, and in Iceland compared to the initial investment of 200 million dollars, his investment plans in the other Nordic countries are "tens of millions ofThe dollar ". Huang nubo Assistant confirmed to reporters, Kun Xie Yong both opined to Wong, Deputy Chief Executive of the group representative and the son of Denmark the Minister held talks and accept each other's survey invitation: "so far we and Denmark, and Finland and Sweden between the three countries only engagement phase, specific investment projects has not been discussed at Board level. "The Assistant said, now-KunContinuing operations was Iceland's investment projects, progress in specific investments and the other three countries, Iceland has a message before you do consider. But Denmark has clearly expressed a greater degree of sincerity. Pia high profile responded: "I hope this will not (Iceland) abortion because of fear, sometimes show political leadership is necessary. "Denmark olive branch in contentionHuang nubo "battles", Denmark first of all made official, those for the time being. Minister personally accompanied the survey invitation, you are inadvertently settled in a key talks. On February 22, Pia Denmark zhongkun Group Vice President and Minister Xie Yong both opined, and Kun Huang nubo, the son of representatives held talks. Zhongkun group has revealed this information on the home page.According to this reporter has learned that talks between the two sides of a number of potential investment targets, and discussed many details. Zhongkun is silence for the outcome of the talks, played down as much as possible. The zhongkun Assistant said, they offer very sincere, but Huang nubo here does not determine when rows: "both Denmark and other Nordic countries, we have plans to examine. "1995 years to set up the Beijing the zhongkun investment group, there are two core business sectors – real estate and resort industry, its assets estimated at about 20 billion yuan. Ldquo; I understood it, he will come to invest, mainly want to build an experiential holiday park. "Pia said. To this end, she has to Huang nubo trip planning better tour. SheGel, now investigation includes, at a minimum diablo 3 power leveling, bicycle city Odense and in Copenhagen, the capital of Greenland. Denmark believes they are Chinese, the biggest attraction is Hans Christian Andersen, the former two cities are related. For Greenland, Pia think nubo Huang was most interested in was not fully on the development of mountain hiking. This reporter learned, Huang nuboFruit in Denmark invested, is not only limited to large-scale model such as buying land to build resorts. Denmark investment promotion Council (InvestInDenmark) is responsible for the investment managers engage with Huang nubo MargaretYin told reporters that Huang nubo and Denmark discuss is not limited to build resorts, there are other diversified investments, but are experiencing thePart of the economy. Compete for Huang nubo from Iceland to be refused so far in just 3 months, Denmark, and Finland and Sweden have repeatedly to Kun to negotiate investment intentions. In December last year, Denmark investment promotion Council Denmark Embassy diablo 3 gold, International Union of Patriots sponsors contact Mr feng, and Huang nubo is one of the Member of the Union. "We are in the middle of matchmaking."Mr Feng told reporters. At the same time, Finland and Sweden have also started. "Currently has contact with many times, but no senior officials involved in the negotiations. "Finland investment Department staff, who asked not to be named told Ming Pao said. By contrast, Denmark more urgent. Prime Minister Hele·tuoning-Schmidt (HelleThorning-Schmidt)During the winter meetings in Davos earlier this year to ask Mr Feng Kun in investment intentions. Denmark HenrikBrandtJensen investment promotion Bureau of the Asia-Pacific region Director before Chinese new year started active planning Denmark of the senior officials ' meeting with Huang nubo. "This month is going to Beijing and zhongkun Group negotiations. "He said in an interview with reporters in Shanghai in early February.Finland government investment promotion agency (IIF) Chief Representative for China, GE Ming Yu, and Sweden Government investment Department Per-ErikSandland, Deputy Director, Deputy Director and Chief Eddie Chen, Huang nubo has agreed to China meeting on February 10. For competition in the Nordic countries, the zhongkun select contact wait-and-see. In the zhongkun group Assistant said before,Because the Iceland project has not ended, investment in the other Nordic countries, conservatively estimated at one to two years have done so far. Huang nubo is investing mentality is more cautious. And in Sweden on a meeting of the Government's investment promotion agency, he bluntly: "Nordic investment also are worried about the environment, we will first send the team selected some local visits, understand it, and each State make decisions. ”Concerns differences in the Nordic countries has never, as now, to attract investment in China's tourism estate launched a strong offensive. And Finland, and Sweden is similar to continuous global financial crisis and the debt crisis in Europe in recent years against Denmark economy cannot get a strong boost, as a pillar industry of service industry of which tourism is down. Chinese touristsIs the scarce resource. According to Denmark tourism 2010 visitor data provided by the Department, when all the tourists in the Denmark national tourists accounted for more than half (52%), Chinese tourists are far less than 1%. Reporter learned that, in dialogue with the Pia, Kun made it clear that, if Denmark invested well tera gold, he expected to attract a large number of Chinese tourists. DenmarkAlso hoping to increase their employment. "Although Huang nubo wants to hire people to services for Chinese tourists, but we hope he will hire more Denmark people. "Pia says," there are many Denmark people are learning Chinese. "Huang nubo is not interested in Northern Europe. The Assistant of Wong said, France, and Italy and also yellow in selected countries in Africa have thrown hydrangea strigosa, But all of them were rejected by yellow. Ldquo; than have a high market saturation in Western Europe, the Middle East political landscape is not very stable, Nordic is a relatively good has a pastoral areas of scarce resources. "She said. Iceland after the trip, Huang nubo, has said: "If this strategy to implement, Kun has a China plate in resort, United States plate holiday resort, Nordic plate, we will in the worldChanging world travel vacation game rules, strategy for this is my dream. "He once said, in 10 years-Kun will become one of the world's largest holiday company. Investment consultants real estate researcher Huang nubo Yin Xufei interpretation strategy: "relative to the operating risk of instability in the domestic tourism market, overseas market can bring to enterprises to invest considerableIncome and income structure determines the medium to long term will be a sharp increase in the number of foreign tourism, expected consumption good. "(Editor: Ning Zhaogang)