Saturday, March 31, 2012

swtor credits 129773160554843750_228 - YXK

129773160554843750_228Market performance: today Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange Chengzhi fell and 0.1% respectively, banking rose 0.63%, small and medium-sized banks weighted by 0.1%. Best joint-stock banks, city commercial banks performance Center. In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng index rose 0.22%, Hang Seng finance index 0.13%. Liquidity and fundingSurface: mortgage repurchase rate today/1 day 7 days 14 days/January/21 days changes between 15bp/10bp/1bp/7bp/10bp and 2.71%/3.18%/3.77%/3.99%/4.52%, respectively. 6-month Bill straight stick/reprint rates (per annum) respectively, change 0BP/0BP to6.12%/4.98%. Dollar against the Yuan price of 1:6.3004, from the previous trading day to appreciate 0%. 91-day Central Bank is to buy back 20 billion today, successful rate 3.14%. Plus 28-day repurchase of 50 billion on Tuesday, because of expired funds 51 billion, Central Bank net return this week 190Billion. Continue to suspend the central issue. At the same time Central Bank today for the 2012 Central Treasury cash management, commercial bank deposits (ii) bidding, bid total $ 50 billion buy swtor, age 6 months, high interest rates at 6.8%. Industry news: (1) foreign exchange announced China's foreign debt in late 2011, 2011End, the balance of us $ 694.997 billion in China (not including Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan's external debt). Among them, registered the balance of us $ 445.797 billion, trade between companies, credit balances to $ 249.2 billion. According to preliminary calculations, in 2011, the ratio of external debt to 9.52%; debt rate of 33.3 per cent1%, debt ratio, 1.72%; 15.75% short-term external debt and foreign exchange reserves are internationally recognized within the security lines. (2) HSBC value PMI3 month fell to a four-month low of 48.1, ended after three-month rise in a row, and below the watershed for the fifth month in a row in blight. 49.6 per cent than the end February 1.5A percentage point. From data, again in March output and employment fell to below 50, especially while the latter was hit the lowest level in three years. New orders index decreased significantly, but a slight pick-up in new export orders. (3) Ministry of industry and information technology of China offered to guarantee agency to expand services for small micro-enterprises, strive to 2012 newIncreased amount of guarantee business 1.5 trillion yuan, added 250,000 service enterprises. (4) the China Securities newspaper said, to promote the steady and rapid growth of the economy, cut interest rates fading near the time window. Due to the recent loss of deposit issues outstanding, central banks were more likely to choose unilateral asymmetric cuts or cutting interest rates. Should start cutting interest rates in the second quarter at the latest. (5)Renmin Ribao today reported, including ICBC, China Construction Bank swtor credits, agricultural Bank of China and other large commercial banks have indicated that they didn't fall in interest rates, first implementation benchmark suite and lending rates. (6) the State Council Development Research Center, according to a recent report swtor credits, first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, income is much higher than in developed countries. At the same time, future 5-10, comparison of housing demand in China is still in Mong KokSheng, and medium and long term, China's real estate investment growth to a falling trend. ����(7) according to media coverage of social insurance fund chief accountant in Guangdong Province Ding Sanbao, multi-billion dollar pension Commission of Guangdong Province of the social security fund investment and operation of earnings must reach at least twice times the average income in the past five years, which is 4% above. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, Does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others: