Sunday, March 11, 2012

world of tanks power leveling fangda carbon - KZW stock > source body March 07, 2012 VW stock report authors: Xu Haifeng size: copy the title link experts advise not to chase high participation report from mine-related stocks into shares (60,0882 world of tanks power leveling, unit), Meili (000815, unit) bucked the daily limit yesterday, to gain rankings on Tuesday of ore unit in question are not the only two. To be up for sale in a mining company in the hands of electronic devices (600,435, unit) surged again yesterday 7.5%; 3.91% ST Jin Guyuan rose again yesterday with rumors of gold deposits, since the beginning of this year roseNear 40%, went into effect yesterday has accomplished major assets ' reorganization of industrial mining (000426, unit) in early trading yesterday was also at one point impact daily limit. Industry analysis to reporters, mineral rich, but risk seeking, investors not to chase high participation. Recommended reading or Goldman Sachs investment bank losses exceeded 1 billion dollars nine to decrease againM frame on the sword the first economic slowdown fears increased the market continue to adjust probability larger consolidation with systemic risk in the short term is not recovery period 17 unit ready as down as possible major financing long ping [Twitter] very serious consequences of the high price of new shares [units] experts have drawn the next terrorist trend this year to dozens of companies "dye mine"Check the notice concerning the sale of mineral resources of the year show, there are activities such as Evergreen energy (600,157, unit), John science and technology (600,390, unit), Jinling mining (000655, shares), Jiang Te motor (002176, unit), the flourishing mining (600,711, unit), run in resources (000506, unit),Datong coal industry (601,001 world of tanks power leveling, unit), Wuhu Hong Kong (600,575, unit), ST Yin into mineral resources in the company, such as to encroach. On January 5, 6th, tripartite balance of shares (600,614 shares), Shandong Express (600,350, unit), Golden fly up, plum blossom umbrellas, pingzhuang energy (000780, unit), 5 companies to market alignmentPush the "mine-related" notice. "A-share listed companies involved mine has a specific economic context of the tide. "Dongxing securities chief analyst Lin Yang said that in nonferrous metal industry, value of mineral resources under the background of inflation on the one hand wot power leveling, boost from the intrinsic value of the company, on the other hand, real estate industry faces development dilemma brings diverse impulses and traditional industries, due to the marketIn mining-related companies to the great enthusiasm, more companies are more impulses of the mines involved. "Mine-related" stock "three-high" mine-related stocks both listed companies and in the secondary market participants have a chance to reap the benefits. Last year three loves Fu (600,636, unit), investment silver pigeon (600,069, unit), the tripartite balance of shares, Steel shares (600,010 shares), Tibet (000752, shares), Changzheng electric (600,112 shares), Manzawa shares (000534 shares) varieties are staged scenes, such as "mine" is from the legend. ����In the mine in question could once again continued his speech fairy this year? "I do not believe that mine-related conceptsInvestors can reap the benefits of variety, although many cattle did in past transactions out of the unit. "Founder securities (601,901, unit) Pan Yibing senior investment adviser, told reporters:" the announcements revealed, many companies at a cost of more than 10 million purchase of a mining rights, but can leave mine this is an unknown quantity, even if it can be miningMinerals, their value to the company's earnings improve how much is unknown, changes of mine-related shares in recent days as it relates to money short of the hype, investors should note the implications of risk. "Keli far (600,478 unit) as an example, since the second half of 2011 has been rumored in the market the company intends to acquire rare earth assets, the company stock was at 20On August 16, 11 were suspended business for nearly two months before, Keli far share price risen from June 23, lowest price $ 18.42 to $ 27.83 close August 15, rose as high as 50%. However on December 1 announcement said, decided to give up the acquisition plan, then share prices dropped 5 trading days in a row to stop. Dae won shares (600146, shares), *ST Chang, fangda carbon, city were "mine". According to the Shenzhen and Shanghai cities nearly 50 "mine-related" concept stocks during the first half of 2011 the average amplitude of 4%, compared with a market average of amplitude 1.4%; average exchange rate was 3.4%, compared with a market average exchange rate of 0.6%. Capital participation in "related ores"Distribution of shares, participation of institutional investors is well below the proportion of individual investor participation. Visible, "mine-related" unit showed a high amplitude, high exchange rate, the high rate of individuals to participate in this "three-high" features, greater volatility, are at high risk.