Monday, March 12, 2012

wot power leveling than we expected 0.9 million. Four quarterly revenue $ 817 million - HYV

129756542904062500_25Qilian mountains (600,720, market information, the major trading): future growth highlights performance fell short of expectations for capacity expansion, four-quarter loss. Announcement annual results of the company, 11 achieved revenue of $ 3.625 billion, operating income of millions of Yuan, an increase of 21.38%%, achieving vested in the parent company's net profit of 332 million dollars wot power leveling, down 32.3%, equivalent to EPS0.7 dollars, than we expected 0.9 million. Four quarterly revenue $ 817 million, an increase of 15%, vested in the parent company net profit loss $ 60.768 million equivalent to EPS-0.13 dollars, one-quarter cent fell/1.55, one-quarter decline in gross margins down 9%/15% to 15% cent per cent respectively. DistrictDomain prices lead to a decline in performance. Company 11 cement production 10.5705 million tons up 29.6% sales 11.8095 million tons of cement clinker up 35.4%. Tons of profits of the company to fall sharply, company 11 comprehensive tons cement clinker is expected margin 10 down $ 33 to $ 89, regional cement price fell $ 32�� Four-quarter loss stemmed largely from rising costs and impairment increased, under the influence of made production staff bonuses, is expected to rise four per cent from the quarter ton cost about $ 36, one-quarter gross margin fell to 15%, third rate increase from 15% per cent. At the same time the company recognized impairment 33.19 million Yuan, and 10 only $ 1.49 million in the same period, including cement and clinkerInventory valuation loss, bad debts, and so on. The other hand company 12 may carried out a rights issue plan, relatively conservative performance accounting to finance later lay the Foundation. Highlights for capacity expansion of major growth in the future. Company 11 new projects nanzhang County 3000t/d, second-tier 4500t/d and 2500t/d in Wenxian County, Qinghai province, respectively world of tanks power leveling, on March 11, May, 12Month completion, expected end-11 interest total of approximately 16.4 million tons of cement. Currently building production capacity of 6 million tons, including HTC, building materials of the second phase, the villains of dingxi County phase II, Gulang, Hongda building materials second-stage 5000t/d of them will be put into production in March 12, taking into account the proposed capacity under construction projects, 26.76 million tons is expected between 13 and company. 12Core warmer regional supply pressure slowing price world of tanks power leveling, but 13 capacity put on the set of Gansu province. Is expected to 12-13 no new line production in Qinghai province, and 12 among qilian mountains, Gansu province, no other new capacity. Recently, while Qinghai, Gansu Pingliang formation of regional cooperative mechanisms, prices began to rebound, Lanzhou, Gansu area also now for joint discussion. Future risksFor 13 more production project in Gansu province, including 5 production lines are expected to 9.45 million tonnes of production capacity in the qilian mountains, and about 3 other enterprises about production line put into operation. Profit forecasts and valuations. Highlights for future growth capacity expansion, while 12 core area holdings of new capacity pressure slowed gradually establishing cooperative mechanisms to maintain ratings, but 11 regional markets profits lower than expected, the nextAdjustable five years tons gross profit downgrade 12-14 years EPS from $ 1.18 per cent to 0.97/1.14/1.4. (Shenyin wanguo Wang Si) in gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not show confirmed its description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.