Friday, March 9, 2012

wot power leveling things seem to be so completely development. "Fekter added - XNB

129742939241406250_396On Monday (February 20) to Brussels to avoid Greece bankrupt 130 billion euro rescue package held crucial talks, euro-zone finance ministers are expected to by Greece second bailout scheme, which draw a full stop to shake the euro a stable market turbulence. EU diplomats and economists think the scheme is difficult to solve Greece economic issues, whichMay take a decade or longer to complete, at the same time, thousands of Greece who held a protest on Sunday, against in order to reduce the country's debt and take punitive measures to save section. About 3,000 people rallied in Constitution square in the capital to protest. Riot police in front of the Congress to form the defense, guard against rioting broke out again. A week ago, tens of thousands of Greece who participate in protests over the nextRiots, some buildings suffered arson and looting in the Athens area. Greece people hope that euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday signed the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) rescue plan. This will be since 2010 for Greece's second rescue. According to a survey investigation agency MRB wot power leveling, 73% of Greece who want the country to remain in the euro zone, but only 49%Greece people believe Greece after two years of success in the euro zone. Euro-zone financial officials and the European Central Bank (EuropeanCentralBank) officials held a conference call Sunday, to discuss aid plans, including IMF focus on relevant to Greece debt sustainability analysis results. Although Germany led country still had doubts about Greece reducedDetermination of debt burden, including EUR 3.3 billion spending and tax cuts promised by carrying out, but Greece next month if unable to repay debts, will trigger a disorderly default and spread across the eurozone, EU officials said, by agreement of the motivation is mounting. Greece Parliament on Saturday adopted the final version of the austerity measures wot power leveling, the EU and the IMF as a 130 billion euro second round of aidThe conditions of the scheme and increase the likelihood of euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday adopted the programme to avoid Greece in a disorderly default on its debt. Austria's Finance Minister MariaFekter said on Sunday, Finance Ministers of the eurozone is expected to be adopted at the meeting on Monday Greece rescue package. In a radio interview, he revealed that "although Greece second round of bailout programme final details have yet to be finalized,But euro-zone Finance Ministers meeting to be held on Monday was expected to pass the programme. "Asked Monday whether to reach Greece rescue case conclusion, and Greece will continue to remain in the euro zone. Fekter replied, "now, things seem to be so completely development. "Fekter added," I do not think that the euro has a majority of people will choose not to way to go,Means rescue case clearance and not let Greece out of the eurozone. Because the other road was extremely difficult, to spend big. "Fekter pointed out that, as long as Greece financial reform in Congress to support countries wot power leveling, Europe will stand at the side of Athens. While going through a long and painful reforms, but will make Greece stand. www.