Monday, March 26, 2012

diablo 3 gold all Olympic Sports Center and sign a target responsibility - XWQ

129765943256456250_227Zhang bin: data forecast London take 35 gold Liu Xiang of China win the 110-meter hurdles Olympic Games is approaching, can't help but guess gold medal. In the television project, gold medal list price is not cheap, but good selling. In 2008, in Beijing, the Chinese delegation today at an average of three gold boom of the potential, has created extremely difficult in the future beyond inthe. Forecast trend is not difficult, guess the number is a real talent. As to how the London, everyone's appetite is hanging up. When it comes to guess goldCards, are also more hindsight. Olympic years ago, Department of State Sport General Administration called China's Olympic team captain, as in the past, all Olympic Sports Center and sign a target responsibility, the core meaning, of course, is the number of gold medals, as well as other contests. It's like we often see marketing objective responsibility, responsibility of fire services and Commission responsibilitiesBook bar. Not many people have the opportunity to see these can be rated as top secret files, jiajia minus minus the number of gold medals after there, you can tell the most direct London gold medal by the Chinese delegation. Unfortunately, we do not see. Administration fear most people seizing the gold medal blah-blah-blah, can't control someone else, something simply to be shut up. Before the Beijing Olympics, Hong Kong and Macao journalists surrounded the delegationPeople, Sichan abuse, asked the number of gold medals. Spokesman for the simple and huangbuzelu, gives a clever answer--"more than Athens." No chengxiang, such an obvious answer to the conservative remained inside were severely criticized, principle is only one forecast gold, it is a restricted area. Administration's attitude is not difficult to understand, lest the people a pedal, get out of hand. But for the gold medalThe number most care is not public, sports authority, sports GDP because that is their invisible or clear. Celebration of the Olympic Games is not only a human, is the arena and also vanity diablo 3 gold, this well known. Competition in sports history in China there are many legends, they know China sporting blood, matrix of complex events system in full swing, Grasping every success in the minor and often mobilized before the competition and instruction at a time, can be full of infinite combat of the war. In the heart of the legendary, the invisible collection, they judge wrong. Times change, personal experience to the back, data analysis, to the front desk. Everything can be calculated, this is a matter of belief, scientistsThey believe in this, for the vagaries of the stadium, is also acceptable in theory, at least between the control. For example, Daegu track and field world championships last year, bolt break, its dramatic par Liu Xiang Luo Bosi and punching. Bolt is the world worship SB., holds up quite well in recent days, you can even look forward to 9 seconds to 40 that ran the most important 100 meters, do not predict a gold medal, is either crazy or ignorant. Can really have a voice at Daegu before the World Championships, and forecast bolt best silver medal, in short, is not a gold medal. The result is not gold, of course, forecast to break that was in the day the gods ability, is not optimistic about the trend there is. Forecasters who? Named Maggie, seen from the name is clearly a femaleFrom the Netherlands city of qiwohaigen. Said person is not as good as day since, down to Maggie, that will have to say "is" rather than day since, all day long because Maggie is a super computer that keeps operations data, daily throughput of data from the small town of well-known companies Infostrada Sports. Analysis of this world operation sportsLargest data company, fully consistent with the known as is the Netherlands's youngest city "low carbon, green, science" theme, quiet comfortable small city of 60,000 residents, a large number of high-tech enterprises gather here. Infostrada of large amounts of data into a product, most appealing to us, when a virtual London Olympic Games gold medal standings, every day you can be on the timesSee, national gold and total medal forecast data dynamic query. Maggie is no holiday, London 26 races in the past six years of all the valuable results of the competition and each individual input data will continue to be, all eight according to different values before the data, number of virtual medal totals for individual countries and regions. First toYou report, as of early March, in a virtual list, United States largest number of gold medals, 40, 35 blocks in China. There is an encouraging trend, China's medal count reaches 94, more than United States 6. Past Olympic Games, gold medal total is always near the top of the Chinese team, but compared to the rival number of medals, often breath, reason being due to the Chinese team less dominant, width of the medal is not enough�� While is only a virtual list, but the trend has begun to change of competitive sports in China, but in London could become a reality. Hosted more than we care about gold now, Britons took 19 gold medals in Beijing, four months from opening of the Olympic Games, virtual 16 blocks, looks not so exciting. Russia and Germany respectively to 20 and 19 pieces of virtual gold medal followed by ChinaZhihou, Japan make compelling, the last Olympics before some shortness of breath of Asia's first sports power, now produce 12 virtual gold, in virtual London if they can be translated into reality, it would be an excellent answer. If the virtual list is limited to this, obviously interesting enough. Researchers will do a special about data released every month, this monthTelling, for individuals as well as national delegations, and how vital it is into the top eight. Author even referenced the United Kingdom lottery number, "do not participate in, how can you win", makes it sound like a "participation", "participation" is the original meaning of this, but we intend to have distorted. Great player, if you cannot reach the final or win links, All in vain, like bolt and Liu Xiang fly out. Older examples are 20 's of last century, a Christian would not contest on Sunday, so the Olympics on Sunday, will have a strong individual beliefs of the well-known players sidelines, missed the gold medal. Published data focus on the gold medal, as a single small micro-trends it isHard to find, and may have to pay. The times revealed a small detail: men's 110 m hurdles, United Kingdom number one player Lieutenant Turner was forecast in the domestic final eventual sixth place. In Daegu World Championship, Turner semi-final results in the sixth place, eventually as Luo Bosi was denied a gold medal and rank, together with Liu Xiang on the podium. Nevertheless, suchDrama is not to be taken into account, still refer to the measurable results. In this way, Liu Xiang, candidates should be first choice for the prediction of the gold medal. Infostrada's recent period of time, Home one of the most striking image is the final of the men's 110-meter hurdles in a time of scene, entitled "once forecast Liu Xiang won the 2007 World Championship Gold Medal". Read the title, and thenFine looking at photos, and Liu Xiang in the lateral, which is classic Osaka "nine wonders". Predict the results, but I believe no one can not expect a miracle was born in the Nineth road, Liu Xiang, one of the most legendary victory, worth pondering. Continue to return to the total number of gold medals, data show that in nearly three years, before entering the world series on a total of eight, United States first in the world, second in China,Two competitive power conversion efficiency is 20% of gold into Medal, efficiency of China's first in the world, 54%. Beijing Olympics, the Chinese delegation as if God, the top eight players of the 30% end won the gold medal, which is the host of advantages. I believe in these data, London will have a good harvest, people only view of harvest in clasticSo changing. Wen/Zhang bin Others: