Tuesday, March 20, 2012

tera power leveling the equivalent Japan gross domestic product - HOS

129756711720468750_1145Tokyo 4-year probability of strong earthquakes in the earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo 50% said recently, 35 million people live in the Tokyo area next 4 years more than magnitude 7 earthquake probability is 50%. Official of the Japan Marine Science and technology center of the Earth Heicho head urges said: "we must be prepared for an earthquake will occur. "Tokyo is located in the 4 tectonic platesJ under the Japan Marine Science and technology center of the Earth simulation, if the Northern Tokyo Bay in a day the 7.3-magnitude earthquake occurred at night, so the death toll will reach 6,400 people, number of injured to 160,000 people; 471,000 houses and buildings were damaged, and most of the fires or reclamation zone liquefaction due to collapse. Strong earthquake will have millions of peopleHomeless simulation experiments showed that earthquake will now manufacture about 96 million tonnes of waste, than last year's invasion of Japan by the tsunami off the coast of Northeast manufacturing waste. Affected by the earthquake, millions of people homeless, emergency shelter demand. 100duowange family for several days in a row without water and electricity and gas supply, communication will be interrupted. The Centre estimates that in the EastBeijing-earthquake leads Japan suffered huge losses of us $ 1.45 trillion, the equivalent Japan gross domestic product (GDP) of one-third. Scientists say that, since the magnitude 9 earthquake of March 11 tera power leveling, Seismicity in the greater Tokyo area has increased twice. In the city and surrounding area of Tokyo, authorities daily average measured 1.5 earthquake, TokyoPeople already shaking on the bed or table used, so most of the earthquake did not cause panic. According to statistics, in Earth earthquake that occurred a year, one-fifth occurs in Japan. Japan earthquake "lost" ~~~1923 years, the capital of the Kanto earthquake razed in Tokyo. United States Geological Survey said, caused by the 7.9-magnitude earthquake and earthquakeThe fire, it is estimated that claimed more than 140,000 lives. Japan scientists have recently issued a warning of earthquakes in Tokyo will soon, said the next 4 years above magnitude 7 earthquake probability as high as 50%, hope the parties concerned to be alert, make corresponding preparations. In fact, Japan has long been considering looking for "reserve" capital city, 550 kilometers west of Tokyo, Osaka is considered the mostBetter choice. However, the establishment of reserve capital of the huge cost, successive Governments have not taken any concrete action, not to mention Japan has been ridden, economy is flagging. But scientists warned that Governments must take action to reduce the risk. However diablo 3 gold, some experts say, seismic risk in other parts of the same cannot be ignored. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tokyo Professor coverFrankly tera gold, Japan has 54 reactors, so Japan no matter where the likelihood of earthquake should not be ignored. According to China Daily (Editor: Ning Zhaogang)