Monday, March 19, 2012

tera gold the difficulties - EOL

129756501001875000_57Xinhuanet, Beijing, March 7-"open vehicle live in subsidized housing in some places of strange phenomena, shows that the Government's affordable housing allocation and monitoring systems needed to be strengthened. "National CPPCC Member Liu Hongyu, drew, and mass in the process of promoting the construction of affordable housing, to guard against an individual place to" light "as an excuse to read goodCrooked. In 2011, the difficulties, the Government at all levels tera gold, exceeding 10 million affordable housing construction target, great job. This and the various local conditions, we should actively explore is inseparable from it. Regional differences in development levels, affordable housing program in General, or is a new, local conditions vary. In the implementation of specific, should persist in proceeding from the actual,Provided must be in the central unified policy, follow the principle of meeting basic housing needs. In practice, some local initiatives of local conditions, it is contrary to the security room in mind. For example, are in a stage of rapid development of urbanization from the resettlement of non-shanty houses into affordable housing name; needs to introduce talents, talent apartment into affordable housing system; To raise funds from the private land housing, welfare housing distribution practice. Promoting the construction of affordable housing, the main purpose of Hui Minsheng, promoting fair, to benefit low income shelter needy people genuinely in need of help. If the guarantee of "get off the air", not guarantee "free riding", no, even creating new injustices and social contradictions. As the representative of some MemberPointed out in the motion proposals, fair and equitable slice "cake" tera power leveling, not only millions of households "live" realization of dreams, more ability to test the credibility of the Government and social management. For now, means there are two aspects of the problem, is to strengthen the top design, further improving the relevant legal system; the second is to improve the supervision mechanism diablo 3 gold, particularly the public supervision�� Making public policy only to perform the entire process open and transparent, in order to prevent deformation of policy, elimination of public questioning. ����You can see from the actual operation of some system of public places is really effective. The Government work report made by Premier Wen Jiabao made when referring to the arrangement of work for 2012, continue to promote the construction of affordable housing program, we should improve supportabilityHousing construction, distribution, management and exit system.����People look forward to the full implementation of these measures throughout, 36 million sets of protection not only to do good, and can better manage well. Related topics: 20,122 financial reports