Sunday, March 11, 2012

world of tanks power leveling beautiful - SZD

129756501040468750_155Book collection: beautiful world of tanks power leveling, dressed in the fashion of youth, as books such as treasure. Recently, an article entitled My House does not have a BMW, only a collection of thousands of volumes of winning the Internet post in Forum. Author of the post "Chongqing Reed" is a Chongqing three girls who are preparing for the college entrance examination, she said, which gave her more than 3 world of tanks power leveling,000 volumes of books are parents of "adult gifts"。   The girls have also been preceded by sth Books recently, a story called my house does not have a BMW wot power leveling, only a collection of thousands of volumes of Internet post in winning the NetEase Forum. Author of the post "Chongqing Reed" is a Chongqing three girls who are preparing for the college entrance examination, she said, which gave her more than 3,000 volumes of books are parents of "adult gifts". The girls were also being dubbed the "books" of the title。 "Collection" 18 years of age have a network with almost all of the books in the book is from the period of Republic of China to "cultural revolution" in old books.   Photos "collection of" beautiful, dressed in the fashion of youth. "Don't look down on our generation-Oh, I have watched it more than more than 10 of them. "" Books "told reporters that his father is a University Professor, mother is a magazine seriesSeries, she is studying in Chongqing three, ranked 23rd in the city of kaozhong.   "Books," Reed said that more than 3,000 copies of the book are her parents in the library of the late 80 's in books dealing with activities at Amoy Gardens, spent a total of more than 1000 Yuan, "the equivalent of an average half a year's wages of staff and workers". Not long ago, "collections" Reed ushered her 18 birthdayParents decide to book these "ownership" transfers to her, which made her exaltation, one empty after washing hands with SOAP to book (fear of damage to these fragile old books), or take photos to send Internet "cool books". "They look like is the smell of autumn leaves, bright yellow, like doing a long solar SPA. "She say she love of these old books。 "Books," Reed said, she had access to the Internet-hyun was to arouse more peers "read, read a good book." Now people of a similar age to her love "harem cross" theme of romantic books, even the thought of a lot of people love to see abnormal deformity "better America" comic books, she felt that it was not normal. Read more than 3,000 books after a dozen volumes in the collection,She "works became classics" deep experience, therefore would like to recommend more over the network of their peers read books.