Saturday, March 10, 2012

world of tanks power leveling President of the International Fund. In recent years - ULQ

129756355350312500_77Outgoing World Bank President Robert Zoellick recently held a press conference in Beijing world of tanks power leveling, around the World Bank's and the State Council Development Research Center of the 2030 China, answered the journalists concerned about the problem. However, an "independent scholar" attended the trot, he stood at the podium, formerly known as, the World Bank's reports on China are a dose of poison, on the Chinese economy and ChinaPeople would not bring any benefits, and requested the World Bank to bring your own poison rolls back to the United States.   "Passionate" mood was palpable, until one of Han "hold out" venue, before the meeting could continue. It is said that people look to the sudden protest site: surprise, and doubt, shenxiao, and outrage, and some even danced, but Zoellick on the rostrum seems toNo surprise, showing not only easy but very calm. About today's Chinese people seldom see such a scene, "independent scholar" counteredhis critics showing great interest, many netizens say its "patriotic scholars", "national conscience", questioned by an American "descent" the ulterior motives of the World Bank, more people are condemning the World Bank on China's "irresponsible remarks"And "indiscreet remarks", and in an online questionnaire, believe that the World Bank's report was to poison the people who 71%. Zoellick said what? First of all is necessary to read the controversial study of the 2030 China. Report says, face risks from inside and outside of China, linear growth cannot be sustained in the past China hasReached a turning point, and we'll need a fundamental strategic shift; although potential by 2030 China into a modern wot power leveling, high-income societies of harmonious, creative, but it will not become a reality without much difficulty, because the risks faced by the next 20 years included in the near future the risk of a hard landing and the reduced number of medium-and long-term population ageing and labour and rising inequalityLevel rising, environmental pressures and challenges posed by external imbalances. World Bank China six prescription also depart for China's development over the next 20 years the World Bank has completed the transition to a market economy, six prescriptions: one is the structural reforms redefining government functions, restructuring State-owned enterprises and banks, the development of private economy; the second is to develop innovation systems, incentivesNetwork of enterprises through its own research and development and participate in research and development for product and process innovation; third through incentives, regulation, investment and other means to seize "green" opportunity; four is that all persons are entitled to equal employment opportunities and social security; five is to build sound financial systems, ensure that the local Government has sufficient financial resources to carry out expenditure responsibilities; six are active and the framework of the multilateral system and effectsGlobal governance agenda, forming mutually beneficial win-win relations between China and world. No matter from which point of view, this medicine does not contain new components, China's reform and opening up more than 30 years, government activities have been working on. "Independent scholar" called "poison", this argument is the World Bank to trafficking are in Latin America, China, and other countries had failed to prove, Wholesale privatization of platitudes; is "undermined China's economy, was attempted in deepening the reform of names a few Chinese and Wall Street to plunder the Chinese people".   "Independent scholars in China," said aogusituo·delatuolei, a World Bank economist has acknowledged the overall failure of the privatization policy in Latin America. Natural in academic areas allowed to have a different sound, with "Independent scholar "," Queen's scholar "of identity, key and speak can stand in a fair and objective. You know, fair and harmonious society, such as ideas, participate in international competition and technological innovation is promoted by the Chinese Government, health development not only of China but also with the mainstream development of human civilization. As far as head of the World Bank by the Americans"Descent" is the United States control the tools of the world is clearly a lack of historical knowledge.   You know, established by the World Bank is designed to help national reconstruction in Europe after the second world war, between Europe and the Governor of the agreement is for the Americans, must be Europeans, President of the International Fund. In recent years, with the rise of some of the country's economy world of tanks power leveling, the World Bank, by United States-led statusChallenges, prominent Chinese economist Justin yifu Lin served as World Bank Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, describes the emerging countries have a voice. The investment, monetary policy and practice must be introduced by the representative of the International Fund vote. In such a context, the Bank's main task is to support countries to eliminate poverty, not only in theCharge of policy development, as well as national development advice.   Because they have to operate, you must look for investment projects, and project your comments and suggestions, or even funding scheme. Do you really do not need reforms in State-owned enterprises in China "China's independent scholar", it seems that Chinese State-owned enterprises going very well, levels of remuneration higher than private enterprisesNo need for privatization reform. This is a conclusion is contrary to common sense and not objective, not to mention the "sky-high pendant lamp" and "group buy Mao" and "luxury car", including telecommunications, electric power, petroleum, tobacco and other industries in State-owned enterprises enjoying preferential policies and purposes of high degree of monopoly. Worst is that each of these State-owned enterprises profit pay rate is less than 15%. Not only thatMost overstaffed State-owned enterprises, massive, inefficient, but few take on social responsibilities, which led to a serious imbalance of distribution mechanism of interests of society as a whole. From that to a certain extent, Zoellick than China's "independent scholar" is more to the point, for instance, he said China's State-owned enterprises in many ways, get a lot of benefits, but did not make people moreProfit. He also said that Chinese leaders ' concern is not some interest groups, but to the Chinese people. This remark is not because he really doesn't matter, at least not too harsh in the domestic public opinion. In fact, the name for the 2030 China: the construction of modern, harmonious, creative and high incomes of social reporting, are the World Bank and the State Council development researchAchievements of the Center and will last 18 months.   Zoellick said, the implementation report of the project from the Chinese Vice Premier Li keqiang "firm commitments". The Xin tangshu · Lu Xiangxian biography there is a rather classic--there's no matter, mediocrity-talk to bored ears. Clarify its source, what worries do not simply evil? Sentence after converting to modern Chinese, is "can clear at the start, thenA lot easier. " It is a pity, "independent scholar" and its fans on this issue made a "rejection" error, their psychological bearing capacity is a converted from an inferiority complex and blind risk.   This year's Cai Huangong Yu Bianque, taboo taboo disease medical results can only be made his terminally ill. Author is Chinese media man "author: Wang Lung"(Editors: Chen Jun)