Tuesday, March 13, 2012

world of tanks power leveling among them Italian sale records those who get two digit to drop - MNL

Bureau of development of Hong Kong trade is announced 29 days, distributing according to its the survey of agency of alive bound each district, the Christmas sale prices of each staple market compared the whole world 2011 inferior last year world of tanks power leveling, the performance of rising market is general excel convention market. Among them, the shopping desire of outback consumer is strong, market potential is great. Pan Yongcai of presiding economy division analyses assistant of trade hair bureau on the press conference that day world of tanks power leveling, from the world Christmas of each staple market sells a state to look, european consumer accepts euro area liability the crisis is affected and the attitude is cautious, the country such as Russia, Poland is consumed end of the year relatively driving, the expression of latin america country " satisfactory " . Send the investigation statistic of the bureau according to trade, the United States and German Christmas sale are pressed respectively year rise 3. 5 �� and 1. 5 �� ; Japan, England, France especially Italy is behaved " disappointing " , among them Italian sale records those who get two digit to drop; Russia wot power leveling, Poland is indebted came true to sell growth at stable commodity price; The growth that the sale of the country such as Chile, Argentine, Mexico and Brazil all registers satisfactorily. Responsibility edits: NF018